Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I think I'm allergic to Tuesdays

I've been feeling upbeat and happy all week, like maybe even too upbeat and happy, but as soon as Tuesday afternoon hit, WHAM! Sad, low mood, sighs etc. What on earth is that about?

Since I'm feeling downbeat, here are the (completely inadequate to account for my mood) things that are non-good that have happened:

- I have a shift of work on Friday
- I seem to have got all my assignment dates muddled, so who knows what's due when?
- The people I work with (not 'work for', the other ones) said that maybe they weren't going to have a day off on Friday after all, so they would get back to me and let me know if I was still working then. (That's so out of line, they don't get to change my shifts for me, only the boss or manager can do that)
- I saw Tim for half an hour today, for the first time in days, during which time we ended up sitting with other people. I may see him briefly again tomorrow in similar circumstances, and then I won't again for at least a week. Stupid thesis. Ditto next week.
- I'm tired of being tired all the time.
- I just read Alicia's post about the EU's secret 4th goal, and now I feel all full of ire and grumpiness at that stupid organisation. I knew it was awful and wrong. Ugh.
- My lunch was expensive and yucky.
- I've managed to double book my already rushed Thursday evening, somehow.
- I didn't actually achieve my only goal for this weekend.
- We went and saw Snakes on a Plane, which was the worst movie ever, and in fact we left early. But I hadn't been to the movies in forever (the lastthing I saw was Cars) and I feel cheated.
- We didn't manage to register the Aardvark party in time, so there's no hope this year.

On the other hand, I actually should be happy, on account of:

- I now get to pick whether I work on Firday or not, I guess.
- I have an extra week to get my History essay done, it turns out.
- I have heaps of great new clothes as of this weekend, much of it bought for me by my saintly parents.
- This latter includes a formal dress for wearing to formal weddings, such as:
- It turns out I definitely am invited to the reception of that wedding I was confused about.
- I now have my FULL LICENSE and thus do not have to complete another driving test in the foreseeable future of the next 60 years.
-I didn't actually have to pay for the movie tickets, because of afore-mentioned parents.
- It's spring and all deliciously summery and so on.

So what gives? Stupid Tuesdays!