Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In Which SocialFail becomes Unexpectedly Epic

So, I wrote a post about the Red Party the other day, and in my failure to proofread (evident in the prevalence of typos on this blog) totally failed to notice how critical I apparently sounded. What I meant to say was that I perfeorm poorly at these events and find them intimidating, and have never quite understood the culture of 'partying for a cause', mainly because I wouldn't have to foggiest clue as to how to organise such an event without running it so hopelessly into debt that no money was raised whatsoever. Clearly, this is really more of an issue with my failure to throw awesome parties or function socially than otherwise.

What it reads like, though, is a criticism of the event and the way it was run, as I have been made aware by someone leaving an offended comment on said post. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, and this was certainly not my intention.

Damn. :(

Also, curse the onesided anonymity of the internet! Someone is annoyed with me personally, and knows who I am, but I have no idea who. Am not sure if am more horrified with the idea of having hurt the feelings of any of my lovely friends who were involved or with the idea of people I barely know having such a negative experience of me.


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