Saturday, July 23, 2005

Holidays drawing to a close... nooo....

Well, I'm back. Yay!

Obviously I was already back, but still. I'd written that last post while I was away, and then posted it on my arrival. Still I did think that my newfound ability to post pictures was pretty damn impressive.

Today being the first Saturday I've been available in living memory, and my imagination being seriously limited, we went to Glebe markets. Always good, as I have doubtless told you repeatedly. But I got a new wrist cuff and a coat (because, y'know, I didn't have enough coats, right?) which was only $30, which is pretty cool. Also new earrings and a badge which says "It's never too late to have a happy childhood". And we ran into about 5 people from school, strange.

Anyway, now we're watching an old Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers ,which has nice dancing and all, but which is quite breathtakingly sexist. Like, staggeringly so.

Women aren't allowed into the dancing club unless they have an escort. A girl gets a makeover and says "well, I guess I can be dumb and get a man", and picks up the guy who'd been horrible to her before and likes him.
She tells him that she was the girl in glasses from before and he says "well, I suppose I still like you" and asks her what she does and he says he's a teacher, and he sort of draws back, but forgives her when she says she's a music teacher.

Good grief.

In other news, I have Fridays off again this semester! Yay!

1 comment:

Catie said...

yay for fred and ginger!