Saturday, July 02, 2005

Going skiing! Don't forget to miss me!

So, the problem is this: I want to post, especially since I'm going to the snow tomorow, but I have sod all by way of things to say. My theory is that the exams have momentarily sucked all creative writing ability from my brain. Also my ability to type apparently. *edits*

Today was Pun's bithday outing, so we all went by ferry to Manly and had fish and chips and then went to Max Brenner, the chocolate Bar. Quite nice actually (unsurprisingly). Yes, I am the last huiman being in the world (well, the last female in Sydney) to have not gone to a Max Brenner Chocolate Bar.

A bit expensive, perhaps, but for a dollar fifty you can get a "chocolate lick" which is a little pot of hyper-rich melted chocolate and a swizzle stick to eat it with, which is pretty good, really. Bizarrely, to get strawberries to dip in it and a plate underneath it all brings the price up to six dollars. But then again, they were pretty excellent strawberries.

Heh, wrote "starberries" by accident then. Wouldn't those be nifty? I wonder what they'd be like? Makes me think of that Narnia book "The Silver Chair", when the heroes taste fruits that are what rubies and emeralds and so on are before they 'die' and become stones and so on. Apparently they're very juicy and nice, and describes with lots of superlatives.

Was something of a Narnia fan in my youth, although was irritated when realised that was full of subtext. But there you go. When one is young, evryone always tries to surreptitiously educate one. Don't ven get me started on how I felt when I realised what "Spot learns to count" was really about. Oh the betrayal, the wounds are still hutting, honestly.

Watching Rage again. (yes, I can hear groans from our readers everywhere, this means that the post must be going nowhere). Wish to be in a famous band so as to have a cool and self-indulgent video clip. Would be the lead singer, possibly the only girl in the band, and therefore the clip would be just one of those where the girl wears lots of cool clothes and makeup and does nifty stuff. I wonder if they're fun to film? You'd assume so, especially if you get to keep the costumes, which presumably you would. Would wear completely OTT eyeliner. Then could live normal life by simply not applying eyeliner when wished to buy groceries etc. Although obviously, if I felt like it, I could just send one of my sub-assisstants to buy the milk.

Aha! A slipknot videeclip just came on, was silent completely and then flicked to blank silent screen of grey and then the ABC symbol. Wish it was the drunken technician picture from the Simpsons, that would be pretty cool, though not, obviously, as cool as being famous and making music videos.

In other news, went to Pun's house this evening and got music, particularly nostalgic dodgy music, of which approximately 1/3 of my music collection is comprised. Foremost among these newcomers are the two Tracy Chapman songs that make me feel like I'm 6 (or however old I was) again, Spiderbait's Glockenpop, and Morcheeba's Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, which always reminds me or the second last time I went to England.

Going skiing for two weeks as of tomorrow morning. Will return on Sunday the 17th or 18th or whatever it is, won't that be nice? Problem with skiing is that I'm soooo tired at the moment, so it's hard to get enthusiastic. Moreover, there won't be any internet connection. Am currently checking the internet at least once every day. Absolute minimum. Might very conceivably die. (especially if my skiing's as bad as I remember it being).

At presetn, Kathryn might or might not be going to drop in and say hi. It seems unlikely, but the problem in such situations is that you then don't feel comfortable to put on pyjamas or have a shower or go to sleep, all night. The doorbell could always ring at any moment. There's basically no relaxation in an evening where someone might drop in.

Which leads us to the concept of surprise parties. Yesterday night we went to the surprise welcome-home-from-exchange-in-england party of Winnie, a friend from uni who's been overseas since before the beginning of this blog, and therefore hasn't really featured before.

The thing is, I would, were a surprise party to be thrown for me, according to Narative Law, have just settled in for a relaxing nightof dodgy tv and really making a dent in my new book. This problem is probably insurmountable, though.

Speaking of which, I bought a new book today. What with the exams and the one-huge-essay-a-week-due for the entire sencond half of semester, I haven't read a new book in months and months. Is very exciting event, therefore.

Aaarrgh, if I don't sleep, I'll die, so I'll see you all anon. Thanks for the applause, guys, and have a nice fortnight, try not to destroy the world in my absence.

PS. My timetable for next semester apparently has such awful clashes that they won't even show it to me: I need to go to the student centre! But I'll be away for the next 2 weeks! Aaargh!

Seprately, one of the rather nice guys in my Latin class is throwing a party tonight, which I won't be able to go to, because of being out of town, but is v. wierd, as turns out he lives in my suburb. Wierdly coincidental. oooohh....
Kinda wish I could go now, as I could walk, and therefore I could actually drink. Since I have the car and license, I can never everdrink when we go out. Is highly unjust.


Dan said...

Ahoy. Good luck with the ski trip! Look after your sister, Alex of course.

Life without the internet will be hard. Please, just rub paperclips together WIN!

Ang said...

Not a problem, Kat, is a mere fact of life. Not really a problem anyway.

And Spot learns To Count is in fact NOT just an innocent tale of deppled pup, but actually a tool for SURREPTITIOUSLY TEACHING CHILDREN TO COUNT!
Scandal! Lies! Betrayal!

Catie said...

computer help: somehow i managed to make my 'start' taskbar thingy (i am still on windows 2000 or something) go vertically instead of horizontally, dunno how to change it back. do any of you?

Vivian said...

Um, I think you just click and drag it back to it's original location?...well that's what I do...

Minerva said...

I would say goodbye but perhaps I should say
"Welcome back!"
for when she finally reads this in 2 weeks time. So how was skiing? Broke any bones? Drank lotsa mulled wine?

Catie said...

aha! it worked! though i'm sure i tried it before... oh well, musta done something different. thanks all.
yeah, what's with the F9 etc.?

Catie said...

you know, i know everyone says this, but i thought tracy chapman was a man for a long time myself. i didn't know she sang 'fast car', but i did always think that it was a guy, so there you go... that song always reminds me of driving to the snow, and that song/jingle "all i want to do is say thank you, even though i don't know who you are, you let me change lanes, when i was driving in my car". but maybe that's just me.
stupid skiing, otherwise i could steal angi's laptop and listen to 'glockenpop' right now... hi angi! welcome back/hope you're enjoying that internet cafe time.

Ang said...

yay for internet cafes!

Turns out that the Stuent Cente won't help, mustgo to thew timetable help centre which will be open in Madsen in 1st week of semester. Quel injustice. How inconvenient! By the time I've sorted it out I will have missed my classes. Will have to drop a subject and try to fix it myself, but the page won't load.

Death to it, I say. And hello everyone. No brokemn bones as yet, but have puled my calves so badly that I could ski today. Hopefully will be better tomorrow. Anyway, hope everyone's holidays are faring well.

Catie said...

typos, typos *tut tut*
aww, poor angi, on pulling-calf-muscles and timetable-organising fronts.
don't worry too much about missing classes, you can do alright after missing 3 weeks worth (trust me on this). oh, you could go to the central timetable and look up the subjects separately, couldn't you? save you some trouble.

Vivian said...

What on earth is "public key cryptography", let alone "lesbegue integration"??? Does that sound *questionable* to anyone else?

Catie said...

'questionable' indeed... no wonder you're having so much trouble trees, those are fake courses! fake i tell you! unless you made them up to confuse those of us without a clue when it comes to maths *glares suspiciously* we're on to you now!
hmmm... so far i seem to have 3 hours a week on my timetable. no, wait, it's 5. a 3 hour class! *gasp* what is this? i just don't understand... *runs and hides from angry science students*

Dan said...

"hey - look what F9 F10 and F11 can do !"

She's got a Mac, and she's using Exposé, as best I know.

Catie said...

well, macs, what can you expect from them anyway...