Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Exams end! I'd dance, but I'm too sleepy.

Well, the exams are finally over. Yay! I still have leftover stress, though, I keep feeling guilty for not working, even though I have nothing left that I should be doing.

Worse, having studied for ages, and am therefore unable to from cherent sentences or thoughts, or think without bits of Catullus turning up in my mind. grrr....

Ah, I can't be bothered writing anything this evening. Toooo tired, will sleep instead and return, to thunderous applause, doubtless, tomorrow or similar. Have nice evening, and remember kids: sleep more than 3 hours the night before your exams, especially if you have 2 exams on that day. Otherwise, you too might fall asleep in your psych exam. On the other hand, yay for mid-exam naps! Surprisingly refreshing, plus leaning forward on my desk, my scarf made an awesome pillow.

Bugger, I have to do those three huge piles of filing, and the complex accounting. D'you reckon they'd buy it if I just said that I had done it but that little [magical, Katie] elves had undone afterwards? Worth a shot, surely? Hmmm....


Alicia said...

*thunderous applause*

for when you return...

Minerva said...

damn you beat me *adds in some more thunderous applause*

Catie said...

i think thunderous applause needs many ppl to be truly thunderous *adds more thunderous applause for good measure*

Vivian said...

I wonder what lightning applause would be like?

*diverts whimsical chain of thought to add to thunderous applause*

Catie said...

lightning applause comes and goes really, really quickly

Alicia said...

Like th-

Oh, too late

*continues thunderous applause*

Alicia said...

*heightened thunderous applause*

Yeah Therese, YOU're starting to get boring now. Or did you mean you're getting bored?

How can thunderous applause be boring?


Catie said...

*thun-* *gets bored and walks off*