Friday, June 17, 2005

Triumph today, though, yes?

So, yesterday my aim for the day was to finish reading through and highlighting my Biology webnotes (an endeavour in which, I might add, I signally failed). And that's my goal today, too.

But today, my friends, today, I shall triumph. I'm up to lecture 25 now, and there's 32, so confidence abounds. In fact, what the hell, I'll try to get the notes I actually took in those lectures which I attended read and highlit too. Maybe even the chapter summaries of the chapters I'm suppoosed to have read. Not the chapters, though, because there's 45 of them, and quite frankly I can't be bothered. Biology is, by and large, pretty straightforward (althought the details get sticky) so I'm sure I'll figure it out. Plus, it's a multiple choice ad short answer exam.

I'll be much too busy hoping I don't fail my History and Philosophy of Psychology exam the next day, as of tomorrow, which is Saturday!!! Aaaarrggh! *runs in circles with flailling limbs, but mysteriously fails to get back to work, but rather continues blogging*

Speaking of blogging, Vivian's blog had 33 comments on the one post, Alicia's blog, which I shall link, shortly, had 32, Spampage had heaps too. I want lots of meaningless comments! Why isn't my blog spammed with meaningless discussions of whether it's ok to give toothless babies fairy floss? Now I feel all unloved. *sulks*

In other news, today I finally got some jonquils! Yay! Also roses and poppies! Huzzah! Actually, was highly profitable day, as paid rent, but also banked a cheque (so that's even, surely?), got three new highlighters, a card with a kitten on it, 2 eyeshadow thingies, nail polish, filled a prescription, and was given 2 presents, not counting the roses, which would make it three, a small adorable book and a keyring.

All in all, Yay. Also, am listening to the Phantom of the Opera. which is always good, although possibly not highly conducive to focusing on study? [heh, accidentally wrote "focussing on stud" which is entirely different. One might almost say, diamentrically opposed, really]

Strange but cool evening, Sam and Bec (aka SamandBec, Sam'n'Bec, or Salmon Bake- like potato bake, but with Salmon?) came over, as did Casey, and we had Thai for dinner. Yay!

Also about 3-4L of Orange passionfruit juice (which is delivered to our house every second Monday). Which ended up being done in shots of juice. Then some bright spark had the idea of going completely OTT and doing juice shots tequila-style; lick sugar, take juice shot (actually only 35% juice, rest is pretty much sugar and water), then instead of lemon, eat a square of chocolate. Cheaper than alcohol, just as much fun (more?), no hangover, and sugar high almost as effective and you can drive afterwards. Plus, much tastier than tequila.

Then they all went to see Star Wars, which I've seen, whilst I remained here to study (and I have, I've finally finished my Bio lecture web notes! Yay!)[this bit, oviously, I added later, in editting], which was a great test to me, not leaving with them, I can tell you.

So, because of the flowers, my room now smells all nice and floral. And as soon as I find some bluetack, I'll stick up the adorable card with a relaxing kitten on it, which I bought for that very purpose.

After all that, perhaps had best get back to work.

Before I go, though, here are a couple of words designed to incite comment. "Landrights for gay whales!" ( an all-purpose motto to shout at protests), "Giving birth sounds dead easy to me, Pun", "I've never read the Mists of Avalon, actually", and "I wonder what interesting trivia a Fantail would tell us right now?"


Dan said...

I think that until they're australian citizens, whales don't deserve land. or lands. or landishness. Whales should not look like land. it's unnatural. i, for one would never sit on a whale.

Say hi to Tim for me, he's cool. He owes me an invite to a party.

Ang said...

He'll probably be a lot cooller after his essays and exams are done. He's rather stressful to be around, atm. >.<

Catie said...

orange juice and chocolate do NOT go together.

i like panang curry.

the moon is made of blue cheese, not green, 'cos green would clash with the sky.

Catie said...

you wanted meaningless...

Catie said...

trees! we found you! hehehehe we've been chasing you since alicia's blog

Ang said...

Bio exam is not until Tuesday, but there's a bigger exam looming right behind it, on Wednesday, you see. *dreads*

Minerva said...

You know, if you wanted comments for numbers, allow Anonymous comments, which have a tendency to be Spam, bad spam, bad "WOuld you like to increase your penis size?" spam.

Ang said...

I don't want THOSE kind of comments, though. Which is why it's off anyway, got flooded with spam. And was all excited when I saw the comments number. But then my spirit was very nearly crushed by the tragedy of the disappointment.
Want to feel loved/appreciated/read/like a site for friendly spam.

Catie said...

enzymes are meaningless... but 5th century Roman villas have their moments...
lets go eat chocolate cake RIGHT NOW. (cos actually talking is so much effort...)

Catie said...

which reminds me, if making chocolate cake, do not give angi free range with the icing-making... this is important, so remember.

Ang said...

I resemble that remark! I maintain that having half a bowl full of leftover icing after you're already generously iced the cake is a sign of... bou..ntious...ness? Bountiousness! Or similar! I refuse to admit that my additive cooking style (when in doubt: add more stuff) might be flawed.

Vivian said...

"I resemble that remark"? that a new metaphor, or should that have read "I resent that remark"??

Don't worry Angi, you are very much loved and appreciated, whether you get a plethora of friendly spam comments or not :)

Mmmmm...chocolate icing....

And Leach, you still haven't told us why you are on a chocolate fast!!

Vivian said...

Oooops, my bad, you said the answer was "cos I am"...(Hmph)

Getting confused with which topics are on which blogs...

Alicia said...

Yay for Angi and Catie having bountanuity in chocolate icing! I really should have a link to this page from my blog

*goes to rectify serious problem*

Ang said...

Yay for problem rectification! yay for 15/16 comments! Yay for loved/appreciatedness regardless of comments! Yay for everyone! I wish y'all could come and visit us and have chocolate cake instead of study right now.

"I resemble that remark" is a quote, from, I think, one of those warner bros cartoon characters, y'now, the big macho chicken? Not sure, but think his name was 'Foghorn Leghorn' or something similar.
Anyway, implications of remark-resenting, and well as of remark having perhaps, some subtly underlying strata of -dare I say it?- accuracy.

Which is not to say that Catie's slander was accurate AT ALL. Because, of course, it wasn't.

Catie said...

who are you going to believe? huh? although now all evidence of excess icing has been washed up...
but you should still come and eat chocolate cake, 'cos study is bad for the brain but chocolate cake is full of intelligence-enhancing goodness.

Ang said...

I wonder, is it just distantly possible that stuvac has something to do with the fact that we're currently checking the blogs 4-5 times a day (minimum)? Is it conceivable that possibly it would be healthier if Cat and I actually SPOKE to one another rather than posting competing comments on blogs? Hmmmm...

Catie said...

i think not.

Ang said...

You're right. What was I thinking *slaps forehead and has study break for tea*

Alicia said...

Go Angi! Go! *waves small flags*

Hmm. Dinner is a good idea... I think i'll take a blogging break for dinner now... :D

Ang said...

Can't have dinner until Cat gets home from church (read: until cat calls and gets me to drive in and pick her up from church, to which I just dropped her off-- Let it never be said that I am anything by saintly). In meanwhile, I must sunsist on interminable cups of tea. On upside: am v. fond of tea. Mmmm.... so warm and tea-like.

Alicia said...

Hmmm Angi, maybe we should just cycle round the pages and answer eachothers comments!

Then again, maybe not.

Ang said...

Excellent plan! Cat and I spent half an hour chasing Trees arond from page to page in order to have new stuff to read the other day, because we were on your blog and it said 1 comment, but when we clicked it, there were 2, so we brilliantly deduced that she had commented while we were reading (kind of trippy in and of itself, really). So we chased her from blog to blog, clicking "refresh" periodically.

Because study is boring, but sitting there saying "d'you reckon she's finished reading yet?" is fun.

Alicia said...

Hmmm, sorry, got distracted from the game of chasy by tetris... Been playing too much of it lately

Ang said...

Pun hasn't taken my comment bait re birth giving. Feel, on the whole, that this is a Good Thing. On other hand, it seems that she must be working studiously, as has only posted once. Poor studious Pun.

Vivian said..., you guys must be bored :P So am I! Yay for boredness! Yay for saying yay! Yay!


Ang said...

They do so too count! Because of being relevant to the discussion at hand. So there. And your point is moot, because you can't spell "though".:P pbbbt!
Anyway, Viv posted comments on hers too.

I also will be v. studious as of today. First exam tomorrow...of 5. That is, if you don't count the take-home I already did and the in-class exam... which would make it seven.


Catie said...

what! trees, you're going to be studious? nooooooo!!
down with study i say! although i am at the library at the moment, so that's a start, right?

Ang said...

Heh, even at uni, Cat cannot resist the siren call of the blogs.

Alicia said...


Catie said...

apparently budgies all used to be green. but you knew that already right? *runs away*

Minerva said...

well actually I was gonna comment today about... stuff... but no I'm not taking the bait. I'll poke and prod it but not sinking my teeth into it :D

Catie said...

i think it would be josh hartnett. no, i am not sad enough to know the details of josh hartnett's life, but am sad enough to go look it up on imdb.
don't say things like that about katie holmes in the presence of felix! though he might be a bi more bitter towards her since she started dating tom cruise...
chocolate cake is gone. although i am toying with the idea of making another one because it now seems impossible to have a study break/meal without eating cake at some point. am always home, but often studying. often also procrastinating. ang studying more frantically due to the fact that she actually has exams this week. well, i guess i do have a take-home at the moment...

Vivian said...

Yay for Angi who has broken the comment record! When's your take home due cat? Do you have any actual exams?

Minerva said...

you know I thought you write there that Felix is bi. I really hope he doesn't read this too much. Well "Hello Felix! I'm sure Cat meant "bit" anyway"

Adoption: why have more kids when there's already enough kids in the world without families, or trying to get away from abusive ones.

Surrogacy: Sure, if you can handle the uncertainty. Whether they will keep the child in the end is still uncertain. So 9 months of waiting plus.

IVF: Sure if you have the money and really do believe that's its possible at that age. If your partner wants to go through it as well. But if you really do want a child of your own genes etc., have the money, have the time, have the energy, have the support, I'd say IVF.

imho, adoption. there are some family issues rising currently in hk where my little brother and sister are directly affected. honestly, if they were in australia and if i had the money, i'd probably try to take them away from my aunt and uncle. Sooo... adoption.

Catie said...

'bit' i meant 'bit'!!

yeah, go adoption... it was interesting, was watching a documentary on pregnancy/childbirth etc. on channel 10, and they were talking about the 'special bond' between mother and child that apparently starts in the womb, and i was wondering about surrogate mothers and their children. i wonder, does this sort of thing affect kids? or is the 'bond' not so important as you might think?
dunno, my knowledge of biology is very limited.
sad to hear about your little brother and sister, pun. whatever it is that is going on.
ivf very different concept. seems fine to me, though i don't like it when people debate about these kid-issues with the argument "it's my right to have children". not a bloody right, and if you have that attitude as if children are an accessory you should probabyl rethink it before you actually have kids... grrr... sorry, just minor ranting, that just annoys me...

Ang said...

Cat's right. Like Life of Brian:
Yeah. I think Judith's point of view is very valid, Reg, provided the Movement never forgets that it is the inalienable right of every man--
Or woman.
Or woman... to rid himself--
Or herself.
Or herself.
Thank you, brother.
Or sister.
Or sister. Where was I?
I think you'd finished.
Oh. Right.
Furthermore, it is the birthright of every man--
Or woman.
Why don't you shut up about women, Stan. You're putting us off.
Women have a perfect right to play a part in our movement, Reg.
Why are you always on about women, Stan?
I want to be one.

I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me 'Loretta'.
It's my right as a man.

Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?
I want to have babies.
You want to have babies?!
It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
But... you can't have babies.
Don't you oppress me.
I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!
Here! I-- I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies.
Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry.
What's the point?
What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?!
It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.
Symbolic of his struggle against reality.