Monday, June 06, 2005

A less serious post, and probably thus more interesting, in a meaningless sort of way.

To my sister Katie, I say *adopts Jafar-voice and makes sweeping bow on italics* "My light is but to serve you my liege." As such, this post has a guaranteed higher discussion-of-magical-elves factor.

*waits for inspiration to strike*

[I tell you, you give these fans an inch, they take a mile. Such liberty-taking. tsk tsk.]

So, have been re-reading the Owner's Guides ( ) for the LOTR characters. Really want a Legolas. Mk II, obviously. [for those of you who are either under 16 or related to me, do not read the other stories by Theresa Green, or I shall have to shake my finger at you sternly. And don't think I won't.] The Mk II ones are the movie ones, you see, rather than the book versions.

On the other hand, a choice of the Mk I would make me seem to have more integrity [I want to say "make me seem more intergitous" but this is not, to my knowledge, a word, unfortunately], but really, the new ones are so shiny. And I could dress it as a pirate on special occasions. Ooh...

On the downside, feel that this could be detrimental to my relationship with boyfriend, as bound to be unreasonable about my setting it to "slash", as would inevitably do. Also feel that would shortly go mad and smash it with a hammer, what with it nancing about saying things like "the horses are quiet and the men are restless" and "a diversion!".

Can just see it, I wake up tired and running late and say "Oh, morning, Legolas, let's have some tea and a slice or two or toast, perhaps with that nice marmalade [mmm... it's so nice, that marmalade], before I head off to start my day" and he would say, in the manner of one making an insightful observation, as if he was really contributing: "breakfast!".

And then I feel that there is a very real danger that I would bash its head in with the kettle, especially if I was tired.

Also, feel that surfing down the steps on a chopping board might wear thin, as well as being bad for the stairs. And now I come to think of it, our street has lots of cats in it. Can just imagine myself coming home to find that the elf and half a dozen felines are on the roof, unable to descend, having engaged in petty one-up-man-ship all afternoon, to see who is the most graceful and agile and so on.

Perhaps had best not get one after all. Probably a good thing they don't exist, on the whole.

D'you know, I bought myself a $5 stem of orchids on Mothers' Day, which was like, what, 5 weeks ago? Around the time of Cave Quest. Oh, just made Cat check, 4 weeks ago. Anyway, it's still on my desk, mostly alive and looking good. Yay for flowers.

Speaking of "stuff" which is good, this week is Avarice Week, the last in our seven deadly sins series. The suggestion that we try the corresponding virtues next (charity, chastity, humility etc.) was universally shouted down at the board meeting. Serious consideration is being given to either doing the sins again, or possibly thinking up cool new sins to roadtest. Giving things to me isn't a sin, per se, and indeed, is recommended by doctors everywhere as an excellent cure for all sorts of things, but perhaps we should devote a week to that?

Anway, in the spirit of avariciousness, or rather acquisitiveness, (not inquisitiveness, which is wanting to enquire, but wanting to acquire stuff. Pay attention, people), I'm putting out the call: give me stuff, please. Specifically, nice stuff that I want. If you have no ideas, apply to me for suggestions and inspiration.

Ooh, you know what I want? Muppet Treasure Island. And the new Coldplay CD. And possibly a functioning DVD player. If this seems expensive, possibly a few of you IB fans could club together? Dig deep, people.

This is the last week of semester, which means that I have to go to all my lectures and tutorials, because I'd be a fool to miss the last, possibly vital, class of any subject. As a result, I was in my dull History and Philosophy of Psychology lecture today, not paying attention, which I should have been doing, since the exams aren't multiple choice this year [dammit]. And the guy from my tutorial who wore a Whitlams Torch the Moon shirt that one time was behind me, so I spent the lecture writing Whitlams lyrics in my notebook in large, clear letters. Not [just] to impress the WhitlamsShirtGuy, you understand, but because now I get the songs stuck in my head whenever I see him.

Also, am becoming adept at doing the Sudoku in the paper. Not as adept as Ivy, mind you, who is Freakishly Skilled at all back-of-the-paper entertainments, she always gets both crosswords, the Sudoku and the target with startling rapidity. I imagine she even reads the comics well. I suspect her of being some kind of quite nice robot. That would explain a lot... well, you know, it would explain that, anyway.

I wonder when my Latin take-home will be? Call me a pedant, if you will, but I really think that the last day of semester, the last class of semester, is rather late to be setting the exam date. On upside, my latin lecturer is rather amusing.

Anyway, on with your lives people, I shall write again anon.


Catie said...

"on with your lies"? what exactly are you implying? And what do you want with legolas anyway? both book and movie aragorns are better.

Ang said...

Yeah, just re-read that. Go my typos. I shall edit it now, and thus make you look strange and crazy to all people reading the post afternow. Aragorns so hard to keep clean. Also, won't shave. Not that I'm implying that you'd be doing anything untoard with your Aragorn, no indeed, but can we say "pash rash"?

Ang said...

Go my typos indeed.

afternow = after now
untoard = untoward

Ang said...

Yay! Am funny! Also, made Cat look crazy, so that's just absolutely win/win really. *smirks triumphantly*

Catie said...

hey, i resent the slurs of trees, ang and the pink elephants that i am going crazy. i'm as sane as the next man i tell you!

Vivian said...

well there's not much hope then :P