Thursday, June 09, 2005

Assessment relies heavily on my having the right flowers about.

My history take-home is boring and confusing and due in tomorrow.

On way to handing it in, or possibly after handing it in, when the stress is ebbing a little, before crashing down in full "it's officially Stuvac now" force, plan to buy jonquils, if there are any to be had. Is impossible to study for exams without appropriate flora. For summer exams, this is jacaranda trees going purple left right and centre, and for the winter exams, this means jonquils.

Seriously, I just can't take these exams seriously otherwise.

Also, I've now bitten all my nails down on my right hand, as well as my left index finger. Darn.

Have now found out when take home exam is, for latin. Is due on the second Monday of the exam period. Ie., the 27th. Ie, the day when I have TWO OTHER HUGE EXAMS!! Gaah! Will be a terrible, terrible day, I make no doubt. On other hand, Monday night, and Tuesday ought to seriously rock. Yay!

The problem here is that I'm getting happy at the idea of my exams ending, but I haven't actually cracked a book for anything other than history, and I have an exam on that subject even as we speak.

In other news, feel v. sympathetic towards poor dear Tim, who has 13000 words (as an aside: Holy enormous workload Batman! That is a ridiculous number of words. I bet even my blog isn't that big) due in less than 12 days. For all those of you for whom it would be appropriate/meaningful, it might be nice to spare a prayer for the guy. I'm not even religious and it has that effect on me. Gosh.

*shakes head in awe*

Moving on to a more upbeat note, though, before we all commit seppuku or similar (ugh), aren't ducks great? Especially rubber duckies? They have a song written about them, so you can tell that they're pretty cool, but have you ever really thought about it?

Can just see the inventor as some Archimedes-type sitting in a bath, thinking "dammit, this is boring, if only there were ducks in here with me. Now that'd be cool. A little unhygenic, maybe, but... I could make them out of... rubber! Yes! And they'd be yellow! And have adorable orange beaks!" And then perhaps running naked through the streets of Syracuse or similar shouting "Eureka!".

Actually, I saw a picture of one today which was black with a purple beak and punk-ish designs on it, while still being just as adorable. I want one of those. Much better than some stupid movie character elf to have in the house. Also, less expensive to maintain, lembas is so costly and hard to come by these days.

Wonder where I could get a punk ducky? If you know, do tell me. Alternately, my birthday is but 2 short months away. But, as we always say here at the IB, why wait all that time? It's so much more fun giving Ang stuff right now. Let's all try it.

In other news, I realised that if I get off my bus 2 stops earlier, I don't have to walk up the big hill to uni. This is a major breakthrough. (I've only been catching the same bus for 2 years now, so it's not that is took me a long time to figure it out or anything....)

Anyway, I'm thinking of having another Back to Childhood party in one of the fist few weekends of semester. If it drags on into the evening, was thinking that instead of punch, we could have a punchbowl of fruitingle, with, and this is the important thing, a rubber ducky floating in it. Would be so sodding perfect. How outrageously cool would that be? *jumps up and down in chair* I'm so excited.

What else would be good at such a party, trying to recall the last one, but it's a little hazy.

Freckles, I recall. And fairy bread and pin the tail on the donkey, perhaps, and pass the parcel, and musical chairs, and 90s pop, and all manner of things. By all means suggest stuff.
Hair ribbons? Lolly bags? A cake in the shape of Miffy? (Did I do that last time, or just plan to?) Chocolate crackles, (maybe Bec can make those. She enjoyed making those cornflake honey joy things a lot, but they didn't actually work. Possibly this requires further thought.)

To those of you with whom I went to school, I reassure you, you'll like Bec and Sam and Tim and so on. Everyone does, eventually. It's hard not to like people who will get as into the theme as they will/we did. So don't worry, the original spirit will be preserved.

Possibly ought to get bck to work? Have been blathering for nigh on an hour. If I'd written this much of my exam, it'd be half over now. Oh well, on with the show. All those of you who like Gramsci, raise your hands.

Yes, that's what I thought. Me neither.


Dan said...

Good luck Tim, may the force be with you on your exams.

On the topic of ducks I have a "Duck on the Go". Not only is it a very portable little duck but it also has a cool hat and a briefcase and looks like a rushing duck businessman. Very funny. I've shown it to your sister, she thinks It's cool.

Nice rant, I shall continue to view.

Catie said...

pinata! pinata bashing is the best way to destress. Of course, it's hard to hit with the same, well, vehemence, when exams are over, but bashing things always good :)
and, of course, fairy bread

Minerva said...

STOP biting your nails!

Ang said...

Its too late, Jasmin, they're all gone, now. All but one, lone, doomed nail...

And Cat, the pinata is a given. A given which I completely forgot to mention yesterday.

I love the way Dan ends every comment by telling me that he'll keep reading. Feel obscurely threatened, as though I have but to put one foot wrong and he'll post "that was substandard, I'm never reading this again. Ugh.". Hmmm... that would be very rude, though, so perhaps not. Also, is nice of him to keep me updated.

Dan said...


It's convoluted praise! REVEL IN IT! REVEL IN IT.

Put "Authorised by Dan... that crazy guy who links the world together in odd ways. Haha!" somewhere. Probably in invisible ink on your back. So that when you read it, you won't be able to, you'll be confused and you WON'T COMMENT ON MY DUCK.