Friday, June 24, 2005

Waiting for my take-home...

So, I'm currently online (obviously) and also in bed. Yay for wireless internet and laptops!

The reason for this, you see, is that my latin lecturer promised to email out the take home exam this morning before ten. It's not here yet, but gives me a perfectly legitimate excuse to footle about on the net while I wait for it to come through.

Not really sure about this exam, actually, only went to some of the lectures, and took atrocious notes. Am nonetheless blithely confident that can get it done today, as well as finishing highlighting the webnotes for my other psych exam.

On Monday, you see, I have a(nother) Latin exam at 9am (how awful that is, as time, too), then before noon, I have to hand in my take-home, then at 3pm my 2-hour Psychology:Learning and Motivation exam starts. It promises to be a fun day. At least it gets my exams out of the way, as of 5:15-ish I'll've (that looks weirder typed than it sounds when said.... hmmm...) finished all my exams! Yay!

So, going skiing for a fortnight in the holidays (no internet! May die.). When I return, possibly in one of thefirst weekends of the holidays, I'm thinking, as I may have mentioned, that another B2C party would be great. If the garden at Lilyfield was big enough, we could get a jumpy castle. That would be so cool! Darn.

In other news, Pun has a blog too now! Suspect is some kind of creeping contagion. Still, yay! Much better than other contagions, eg. the Plague. This one has comment facility! And allows avatars/profile pics. Which leads me via a nice segue, to the fact that I've finally gotten around to posting a profile pic! Yay!

Keep studying, friends (except such lucky bastards as Tim, whose exams finish today. Yes his last and second exam is today. *shakes fist*). Until next time...


Catie said...

wow, everyone has pics now! nice work all...
well, not literally everyone.

Minerva said...

Duuuuuude, there is no need to put my complete name up. *tsk tsk* edit that now

Alicia said...

Mmm... headfirst into stairs...

I feel like i need a picture now! When's Jazz gonna get back? I know just the one...

Ang said...

Ahem. Sorry. *scuffs toe in dirt*

Ang said...

^ to Pun

Sean's Beard said...

*In really pathetic high-pitched whiny voice* Anyone want to spare a thought for Sam who doesn't finish exams till Tuesday afternoon?

And by the way Ang, not meaning to sound pompous, or to question your grammar but at the same time, quite contradictiorally (And I know that's not a word but how cool does it look? It sounds pretty cool too) to sound insufferably pompous and to aggressively and violently to correct your grammar, what you mean of course is "If the garden at Lilyfield WERE large enough"

All part of my evil scheme to reintroduce the subjunctive into colloquial language...

Ang said...

Heh: "I wish I was dead"
"Janey,Don't say that! I wish I *were* dead. The subjunctive."

You're right Sam. How shameful.*slaps own wrist*

Also: sympathy.

Catie said...

Am sympathetic, but not that much, i finish wednesday, and will still be writing at least one essay after that... aaargh!
*glares at everyone*

Minerva said...

*pats Angi's head* Good girl ;P