Sunday, June 12, 2005

Give in and love it, what’s the point in hating me? You can’t argue with popularity, or you could, but you’d be wrong!

Love that line. Robbie Williams positively rubbing himself up against his ego. It’s probably unhealthy that I find that attractive. But so it goes.

Just found this sentence in my lecture notes: “ We must try to be more tough-minded than Descartes and believe things only if we can find some evidence to support them.”

Hmmm… This seems a little odd to me, but so it goes.

It is now officially winter: the season of coldness outside and warm drinks, as well as being stuvac, the week of procrastination and unnecessary cooking and craft projects. (Last year I made a lampshade and improved it several models out of nothing but psych notes and staples…)

You all, of course, know what this means. Or, at any rate, unless you stop reading, you’re about to find out. That’s right! It’s time for the first batch of Angela’s Patented Apple Concoction to be made! If “scumble” wasn’t taken as a name, I’d call it that, only it isn’t alcoholic (actually, that’s an idea that could bear looking into: possibly I could add apple schnapps? Or just cut the middle man and add vodka? Seems unnecessary and slightly dangerous…. Definitely not in stuvac, I feel) Apple-cinnamon-clovey-gingeriness is about to strike again, and my whole house will smell delicious.

It’s the sort of smell that gives people the urge to top the air with crumble and side with whipped cream. Mmmm….

If it weren’t 11:45 at night, I’d go and make some right now. And possibly apple crumble…. And….

See how insidious procrastination can be? I very nearly sewed myself a bracelet today, before I caught myself. I already did the washing up. I didn’t even register until Blasted Felix said “trying to avoid working, huh?” that that was what I was doing. There are two of me, one of me is very cunning and the other is just a little dim. It would be nice if the smart one was the one to do my exams, but she’s always busy trying to get me to sharpen my pencils during the actual exams, not answering the questions.
Aha! I just realised that that was what this post was. Sneaky, sneaky… *drags self offstage by the ear, and gets back to studying*

1 comment:

Catie said...

2 posts in one day, pointless dscussion of magic shelves, it must be stuvac...
very jealous of new coldplay cd.
on the plus side, i am back from canberra! where the internet wasn't working! but where there was a pretty view and fireworks. we should go to canberra and buy fireworks. yeah.