Sunday, June 12, 2005

Study: an impossible dream

I seriously need to do some work, but find myself utterly incapable of doing any. I really need to revise, especially for psychology. I downloaded the exam format today, and according to that, "Students who aspire to grades exceeding the ‘Pass’ level will be expected to show evidence of wider reading and critical thought. It is important to give a reasoned answer to all questions attempted."

Intimidating, much? Possibly ought to just kill self now, but really, seems like such an overreaction. Much more sensible to do the damn work.

Also, tried to make creme brulee out of the leftover mixture today, but had gone off. Was v. saddening. Worse, I decided to microwave it, so it'd be solid and therefore easier to throw out. And it smelled sooooo nice. Was an effort of will to throw it out untasted. Have no wish to acquire food poisoning, however, so was strong.

In other news, my sister now has a blog, doesn't everyone these days? Interestingly, she said she hadn't commented on that post about me wanting a Legolas because it wasn't about magical elves as requested. When I pointed out that a Legolas of one's very own was about as much a magical elf as it was possible to be, she said "ohhh...", and that she "hadn't seen the connection between 'elf' and 'elves'". Wisely refrained from pursuing this obvious line of questioning, as seemed that it could go nowhere good.

Cannot help but wonder, however, what she actually had in mind when she asked for "magical elves". Is this some new slang? If so, what on earth for, and why haven't I been informed? Would it have counted if I said I wanted a Legolas and a Celeborn, and thus boosted the number of elves discussed into the plural? Is it distantly possible that it has never occurred to her that a group of plural "elves" is always comprised of a number of single units, each of which is an "elf"? If so, did she think that elf plural was 'elfs'? This would be fine, only what the hell are 'elves', then?

Possibly was typo, and she meant to ask for "magical shelves"? On which you put things only to have them sent 2 hours into the future, so that they aren't there when you look ten minutes later, but after 2 hours of searching, are to be found sitting innocently where you originally put them? I think I have one of those, somewhere in my house. Feel that this would heartless and cruel, and also pointless, and that they would offer limited discussion anyway. Although you could hide things there for two hours, completely unfindably. And what if you lent your arm on it? Would you be armless for 2 hours? What if, after 2 hours, you weren't at the shelf? Would it automatically re-attach itself? Can only assume not. Would just sit there, looking untidy, and bleeding on the carpet.
Possibly would malfunction, and as soon as things arrive in the future, would hop forward another two hours instantly. If so, would be effective garbage disposal, although all that rubbish would just accumulate it whatever point in time the shelf broke at.

This strikes me as entirely too dangerous a thing to have lying around the house. Possibly would be useful to be able to send things back. You could make instant antiques. But what for? They'd only be older versions of new things, not a priceless baroque loveseat or something. Would still be your new Ikea chair, only tattier. How useless! Or you could put your keys there after you find them, so that they'll be there when you look as you dash, late, out the door in the morning.

Elves and shelves and such nonsense aside, I bought the new Coldplay CD today. Yay! Is good, as far as I can tell. But you really have to listen to a CD about 7 times to familiarise yourself with it before you can give a definitive judgement, I think. Many CDs which are disliked first time around become favourites later. Or at least, this is my experience of them.

All my posters are staring at me reproachfully as if to say "don't you 'aspire to something more than a pass grade'? Stop typing such utter bollocks, and do some work!" Stupid uppity posters. Possibly they have a point, however, and so I sign off for now. Catch y'all later, and probably much sooner than I should.


Dan said...

You're completely wrong about magical shelves.

Magical shelves are the shelves you put up with the Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver. None of that craziness about shelves and time and distortions in complete flux and rabbits that speak romanian. I frankly can't stand romanians, they're so... well... lets not go there, but it starts with an 'r' and it's not 'rapidity'.

Also, fair's fair she said magical elves not poncey self-obsessed elves. Your logic lacks lustre. And alliteration. Hehehe.

Keep on training Angi.

Sean's Beard said...

Wow, only during STUVAC could anyone come up with such nonsense :P

Get back to work, Ang!

Dan said...

I thought I was the prettiest. No longer.

You lost the magic of the elves in your carefully, thoughtfully constructed sentences. THE MAGIC OF ELVES IS IN FORGETTING ADVERBS!

Or you know, in fantasy novels. Hooch is crazy.

Ang said...

More importantly, Hooch is Zoe Wanamaker, from My Family! Yay for Nick in My Family!

Chick: "oh, you into S&M, B&D?"
Nick: "Yeah, S&M, B&D, Q, LMNOP, all the letters"

We chicks seriously dig him with his cute British accent.

Ang said...

Mine is better. Go 'My Family'!