Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A La Peanut Butter Sandwiches!

And lo! A post!

Here are some things that have happened since my last post: (major points underlined)

*A bunch of people because erroneously convinced that I had thought they were grumpy with me, and were the subject of my last post.

*The SRC elections happened. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that we, the Aardvark party, did not win. Dammit.

*I found that forum on the internet, which I was long a member of, but which I had lost. And people remembered me!

*I got a flat tire. At 1:30 am. And my jack stopped working, due to being a folding jack, so 2 ambulance officers nobly rescued me, and it took all three of us to make it go. I felt a little stereotypically Damsel in Distress, oh-look-a-girl-and-therefore-unable-to-change-her-own-tire-y, but y'know, I know I could've done it but for the stupid jack. >.<>theatre sports final which was pretty much totally great.

*My sister Katie turned 18, which lead to two nice sub-events:
- I got a top hat. It's the most awesome top hat in all the world, and I love it
with a love both pure and true.
- She had a birthday party (about which more later)

*I got all organised and went to the library to get the info for my Latin essay, which is due on Tuesday, but which I haven't begun. I'm sure I will, though, eventually.

*Alice from school turned 21, and had a party, which was fun, and at which I danced, not, perhaps, very well, but in a manner prompting Pun to write "Oh yes, and everyone, Ang & Tim are the sweetest and "Oooh-Oooh look at them dancing" couple. It's so enjoyable to watch a good friend and her beau have fun dancing. Such a rare thing to see a guy dance well and have fun *sigh* *dreams of finding a dancing beau in the future* :D :D" So there you go. Also, the dancing lady picked on Tim and told him his dancing was "sexy". He's convinced that she was being silly and making fun of him, but I privately thought that in his black suit and shirt and whole thingy she could easily have been being serious. I nearly wore my hat to this party, but only just refrained. I also refrained from wearing the complete set of jewellery made only of Gummi Ringles, which I had made, which was noble. Also, Kathryn, who also told me that Tim seemed nice (but also threatened graphic and actual physical violence upon his person should he be less than charming to me, as did Bethany, and possibly someone else?) said that someone from her party had described me as "the articulate girl with the hot fishnets" which is pretty much great, yes? I don't recall being particularly articulate, but there you go. Never look a gift-compliment in the mouth.

*The aformentioned Kathryn (herinafter referred to as "Kathyrn") forgot her glasses at the party, so I drove the Burwood to give them back to her, because am not only articulate and fishnet wearing, but also, y'know, really great. And we had chai tea from Kathryn's cool teapot and cups, which was nice.

*Prior to which (between these last 2 events) Our house was invaded by a veritable cohort of Croakers, Tim, Pun, and a builder, early on the morning after Alice's party, but we made Woddles (penguin-shaped waffles) from the machine which Pun had given us out of the goodness of her heart, so that was all good.

*Then, that evening, I watched a classy video with Felix, called Farenheit 451, which is apparently something of a classic, about book-burning. And now I get the title of "Farenheit 9/11" which is good. And then Gladiator came on (which translates directly to "sword-er" by the way) but the appalling history made me want to hurt the tv, so I stopped watching it.

*I got my sisters both presents due to it being Katue's birthday party, and me not wanting Alex to feel left out, because I am a truly excellent sibling. Also, which I was in Chatswood doing this, I saw a shop called "Sticky" which sells lollies, which they make before your very eyes. And I saw them making those little cylindrically shaped ones with words written in the cross-section, which I have always been fascinated by the making of, but nowunderstand. So I feel that my life has been enriched. They make them by making a great big thick one with painstaking care, then stretch it out long and thin, the same way hypodermic needles are made (which is a separate but also cool fact). Also, there was a couple there ordering lollies for their wedding in the same colour as the bridesmaids' dresses and groomsmen's ties, which I thought was a pretty cool idea.

* Katie had a birthday party too, on Sunday evening, and there was a bouncy castle in the night rain, so that was cool. And I wore my excellent top hat, and came in the role of eccentric elder sister. Also, it was a great party, and we used my fairy floss maker and Chocolate Fondue Fountain, which was also good. Also at this party, one of Katie's friends told me that I was the funniest person in the world, which was nice, but odd, since I have met him only fleetingly. Perhaps he reads this? If so, hi Al. Also at this party, I went for the first swim of the season. At night! Yay! I :heart: swimming. And we watched the rain fall on the pool which waslit from within, and beautiful. And Tim swam and patted dogs, his 2 fears, in the one night, and was therefore a brave knight with damp clothing instead of a white charger.

*My sister Alex and I (and also Katie and Mum, but they arrived late, and therefore count as parenthetical) went and saw that movie Sky High. Which had people with superpowers in it, so that was nice.

*Today before work I went to the Plaza and finally spent my BNT voucher and bought some bras, which is something of a relief, sionce I only had 3 left. Also, in less over-share-y purchases, I got 2 skirts and Diva earrings, and a black handbag. I was feeling affluent, because I got organised and paid my rent ahad of time, and haven't had to pay for food (or movie tickets) over the past few days. So naturally I spent more than I had saved. But, y'know (which I have now said three times) yay.

*Today at work was Wendy's birthday, who is now 51, and we therefore had lemon meringue pie, and coincidentally, because she's a Tigers fan, we spent about an hour putting up orange and black and white balloons around the office, which was fun.

And that was my week or however long it was. Yay.


Dan said...

May your inner musings be forever as ebullient.

Love the usage of underlining.

Minerva said...

I think you better put up a word verification hon.

Sounds like you had a busy week. So many parties it seems.

Yes, I missed eating woddles so much, I went and bought 2 litres of Peters' extra creamy vanilla ice cream to make with sweetheart waffles later this week. :D

Catie said...

mmm... woddles :)
sounds like things have been well with you, if not particularly peanut butter related.

ooh, how was fahrenheit 451? i read the book (I's educated) and thought it was pretty good.

also, MY sister is now turning 18 tommorrow, which is freaky. and i also got organised and bought her a present before the actual day, which is always good. see, i'm important too! hmmm...

Ang said...

Iwould feel happier about that if I could ever recall saying anything funny to you, is all... hmmm...perhaps have an air of amusingness? Presumably so.

Catie said...

well, were you wearing your gummi ringle jewellery? 'cos that might explain it.

Dan said...

Angi does make funny faces.

Lots of funny faces.