Tuesday, October 11, 2005

So tired of waking up tired

It seems that I've been tired so consistently for so long that I now no longer wake up spontaneously at all, but rather continue, Sleeping Beauty-like until something happens to wake me up.

I had a latin test this morning, in my second class, and I first overslept and was late for the first class, and then got completely abyssmal marks in my 15% latin test. Damn. Problem was, I forgot until fairly late last night that I had to study for it, but then more important stuff came up and kept me awake and not studying until 2. So y'know, I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised by this morning. I really should study for tests earlier than the night before, and I definitely need to get into the habit of going to bed earlier on Monday nights. I mean if I have to pull over and sleep for 15 minutes on my way to work every week, that's bad. Drove down the M4 today in an exciting mix of sluggish fatigue and sleepiness and chest-gripping fear for my life when I kept drifting about. You'd think that the afraidness would keep me alert, but no. Or, hmmm... maybe it did and I would have actually died without it?

Anyway, it was fun stuff.

In ohter news, this afternoon Felix filmed his animal video thingy, in which he takes nature video or something and edits it into somethng else, so he was taping people's voices to be the voices of the animals in his film noir. Cool, no? Bec was cast as a gosiping ant, as far as I know, which I think did not seem very complimentary to her, but hey she was headhunted by a casting agent, in a sense, so that's good, right?

Hmmm.... what else is news?

Well, I cut my hand open on Friday on a broken glass, and my parents were away, so I didn't bother to go and get it stitched (or glued, which I understand is what they do for littler ones like this was. I mean, there weren't exposed tendons, thank goodness). Was v. upsetting. And pretty shocking, actually. More shocking than painful. Was kinda funny, in retrospect. I was all in tears and such, but there was this cheerful muppet musical on the CD player, which I was occasssionally singing along to when those lines that you absentmindedly sing along to came along. Also, I cried on poor ole Sam, which must have been odd for him (sorry Sam), but Bec made me tea, so that was all good. And now I get exciting dressing-y things.

Also, to make up for the hurt finger and horrible Thursday, I bought myself some shoes, which was great. I haven't bought shoes in aaaagges. Feel like am proper grown up lady, buying shoes to deal with distress instead of actually solving own problems. Yay!

Also, I'm so organised that I printed out my psychology readings for the semester this afternoon, weeks before stuvac! Now all I have to do is read them, print the notes, read them, and read the textbook and so on, and I'll be set! Yay!

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, have a pleasant day/night, this is me, signing out.


Dan said...


That's amazing. Watch it. Live it. Love it.

Felix makes video? Super cool!

Minerva said...

Oh you poor little bugger *kisses Angi's hand better* *Pats Angi on the head*
*Tsk tsk* must be more careful, retail Rx is very very good ;)

Don't fall asleep in the car woman! Play some Marilyn Manson, Saliva, Rammstein really, really loud. It'll keep you awake coz you'd be quite conscious of the deathly glares the other cars will be giving you.

Ang said...

But if I played that I'd be honour bound to drive into a pylon deliberately! nooooooo.....

Catie said...

it was fun! and tim was funny. hehehe
i also tired, went to sleep when i got home and only just woke up. now need to make dinner. so sympathies and/or apologies.

Ang said...

Tim was funny? Ir was fun? Bah, work spoils all fonts of enjoyment.

But I'm glad you guys had a good time, and Ihope your nap was good. Yay for naps. No apologies required. Sympathies/presents gratefully accepted.

Catie said...

naps is good. presentation are bad.
hope you feel more awake. :)

Catie said...

study? was that remark directed at me? cos if so i just finished 2 presentations. yay! so i deserve a break. and then more essays. not so yay. how's yours?

Alicia said...

Angi! You're online! You should write a new post (if you don't have an essay due soon...)

Catie said...

hehehe, jasper fforde is pretty funny :) i wonder where he stands on hypertext?

Ang said...

Yay for the Eyre Affair! I think the later ones were perhaps less good.

Catie said...

you know it's been a week since you posted? *looks pointedly*

Minerva said...

But her internet is down so it may be awhile...