Monday, October 03, 2005

The truth at last!

Here is why I can never seem to get my essays done:

Here is my desk: Image hosted by

Missing anything? Why yes! Where on earth is my computer?

Aha! There it is:

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Please note also the TV guide and chocolate available to Catie to amuse herself with at this point. Also, she’s stolen my hat. Oh the humanity!

And here am I, all alone (at my desk, you understand, not in the sense of being alone in my room and thus able to do any work…), computerless, and oppressed

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Woe indeed!

PS. Cat would like to point out that she believes this to be character assassination of the most unjust variety. But are you going to listen to someone like that? I didn’t think so. *shakes head censoriously*


Catie said...

that's so nasty! mean, just plain mean. you're going on the list. *pffft* to you.

and to essays. i should write min, come to that...

Dan said...

I had a camera once. Now I can't find it. I still have pictures, though.

Oh the memories.

Minerva said...

Damn, you got an interesting shot of me. What in the world was I puckering up to??

Yes, must do work, another 600 words to go before 0900 tomorrow.

Catie said...

only 600 words? you're laughing!
what a strange expression, i can't see you, i have no idea whether you're laughing or not, and since you posted that comment i suspect not. oh well. laugh pun, laugh dammit! don't make a liar out of me...