Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Movie Questions

Tagged by Catie of www.phantomday.blogspot.com

1. One movie that made you laugh: The first one I can think of is Monsters Inc. Pixar are so great, you guys. Also, the Emperor's New Groove, if we're going for underappreciated animated movies from that time period.

2. One movie that made you cry: A Little Princess, when I was about 7. I was always scornful of movie-crying, so I remember mainly being embarrassed at my own crying. But also! Her father is killed and everyone is mean to her and locks her in an attic! What's not to be sad about? (Indeed, the answer was the point of the movie, as I recall)

3. One movie you loved when you were a child: Beauty and the Beast. So much, oh my.

4. One movie you’ve seen more than once: All the movies I've listed so far. And really, most movies that I see, I'll end up seeing again. But I guess The Lady Vanishes and Some Like It Hot are such favourites that I watch them most often.

5. One movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it: The Lizzie Macguire Movie? It has Hillary Duff in it, you guys. (*hides face*)

6. One movie you didn't like: Fanily Business. It had Matthew Broderick and Sean Connery and whatsisname from The Graduate and Tootsie, and was billed as a 'Comedy Crime Caper'. Actually it was a total downer, with neither comedy nor caper, and the boring-er, grittier kinds of crime only. Also, it made my Dad sad, which is pretty much not on.

7. One movie that scared you: Vertigo. When I first watched this, years ago, my sister and I were so nervous afterwards that we had to watch a sitcom before we could sleep.

8. One movie that bored you: Sin City. It was so Meh, plotwise.

9. One movie that made you happy: Pirates of the Caribbean. I don't know why, but I remember when my flatmates and I first saw it we were all giggle-happy for the rest of the evening.

10. One movie that made you miserable: The Object of My Affection. I watched it just after being broken up with when I was tired and emotional, and it turns out that it features thwarted love, which was way unhelpful at the time.

11. One movie you weren’t brave enough to see: Saw. Nup nup nup.

12. One movie character you’ve fallen in love with: The Scarlet Pimpernel; Michael Redgrave in the Lady Vanishes; Dmitri in Anastasia; Tristan Thorne in Stardust. All the pretty, witty, preferably swashbuckly and/or British ones.

13. The last movie you saw: The Bank Job

14. The next movie you hope to see: Tropic Thunder, which hopefully will be ok. Rottentomatoes makes me a little nervous, but the viral video sucked me in good and proper.

15. Now tag five people:I don't know that there ARE 5 people as yet untagged who read this blog. Hmmm. Well, Jordan, Spencer, Dan (on livejournal?), my Dad and Sylvia, perhaps. Those of you sans blogs could maybe do a facebook note? Or, y'know, ignore this...

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