Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Post the second: the Saga Continues!

There, Emphatic Capitalisation as promised.

[Management would like to point out that the whole title box would be more amusing if it were not all automatically capitalised, and takes no responsibilty for the resulting Irony Leakage- ed.]

It has come to my attention that some people have expressed scepticism regarding the presence of IB fans before the creation of the actual IB. To these people I say; have you never been in a movie theatre when a preview is screened for a long-awaited sequel? Star Wars for instance? Have you not noticed that fans can be whipped into a frenzy merely by suggesting that the logo might be displayed? I laugh scorn at this suggestion. *laughs scorn*

Please feel free, by the way, to post comments. Everyone likes being showered with praise, and in this lone instance, Yours Truly is little different to the assembled masses.

Further, in explanation for the eccentric [read: wierd- ed.] URL of our beloved IB, the author submits for consideration 2 facts:
Firstly, that since over the holidays she became aware of Harry/Draco fanfic [read: slash, mmm... - ed.] she has had something of an unhealthy crush on a fictional character. Moreover a fictional version of a a fictional character. That is, even if the original books were real, the character as crushed still wouls not be, as he exists only in fanfic. The important thing here is that the author remains aware of the fictional nature of the character, and has maintained enough vestiges of dignity not to Mary Sue herself. Let us be grateful for small mercies.

Secondly, the time of first post. 2:30 am is by no stretch of the imagination a time condusive to rational thought.

Mercy is therefore humbly begged and accepted in advance. Thank you

1 comment:

Ang said...

Damn, that should be "begged" in the last line. I suppose my typing revolted at the idea of begging.