Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Resolution: A vitally important decision has been reached

Having just finished reacding one of the best fanfics I've yet read (definitely top 5), Beren's Gold Tinted Spectacles (
[highly reccommended, obviously], and under the lingering influence of the Draco Trilogy (, I have come to an important Resolution. [not a reference to Frances Potter's excellent but frustrationgly incomplete fic of the same name].

Here it is: No longer will charm, good looks, sense of humour, intelligence, a fondness for Terry Pratchett and so on be enough for Yours Truly. No indeed. To be considered adequate for Significant Other status, an aspiring individual must have....


Seriously. It's really quite a ridiculously attractive quality. Especially if it's just the two of you who can communicate so. Who can go past someone who can communicate in italics? So, so attractive. And therefore an absolute prerequisite.

Some say that just conceivably I may have raised by standards just a little- a smidgin -too high. But really; why should I settle for second best?

So if anyone out there is charming and so on, and telepathic, then give me a call, otherwise, please pack your bags and go home.

Actually, it's terribly liberating, I urge you all to make similar resolutions. Instead of a number of optional variables (" He's great, but seriously, could I ever love a guy who reads Robin Hobb?") there's just the one question: "telepathic? No? Sod off then, there's a dear".

Adios for today, and remember, here at the IB, we can hear what you're thinking. But don't worry, we won't tell her.

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