Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Post the Third: Son of Post!

A paean on the subject of slash.

Firstly, on the ridiculously unlikely offchance that Cassandra Claire ever stumbles across this site,I'd like to take this chance to say this: I absolutely love you. Seriously.

For those ill-informed plebs among you who haven't read the Very Secret Diaries of the Lord of the Rings characters, I post this link: hie thee and read, and do not return unenlightened. http://www.ealasaid.com/misc/vsd/index.html

From there, one should progress to Theresa Green's Owner's Guide Series. (and here the story becomes one of the quest of The Author [that would be me] of discovery and personal growth and so on. I recount my progress to you, humble reader.)

Now our Naive Young Heroine, reading these stories, notes the term "slash" - new to her innocent young eyes. Eager to learn, and hungry for knowledge (and hot hobbit action, obviously, with a little elf thrown in if possible), she sees mention of the Library of Moria (www.libraryofmoria.com) and continues to read avidly, blushing occassionally, [especially since she's doing most of this at work when she should be filing and so on, and in Mortal Fear that a Boss-Type Person would look over her shoulder at any moment].

And then our heroine thought: I wonder what else there is? She toys awhile with Pirates of the Carribean, but doesn't like the fact that stories either don't involve Will (and there isn't any Jack/Elizabeth, really, and she's not a Jack/Norrington fan) which is rare, or else do, and therefore spilt up Will from his One True Love Elizabeth. I'm all for mortal enemies and so on, but True Love ought not to be fucked with. [So to speak]

And so it occurred to Our Heroine, one day, as she idly trawled through some Crowley/Aziraphale drivel, that perhaps she ought to look into the whole Harry/Draco thing, and she never looked back. (except now, obviously, and sometimes when she was reading something particularly badly punctuated. [the real side effect of all this fanfic reading was to lead to Livid Rage and much pent up aggression regarding the wanton cruelty to the common comma and apostrophe that was rife in the fanfic world. Emphatic Capitalisation is one thing, typos are one thing, but persistently apostrophising your plurals should be punishable with thumbscrews]

And so we come to www.diagon.org and www.schnoogle.com and any number of other places.

Tune in next week to see fic recs that you aren't interested in, and won't read, but really should feel guilty about ignoring!


Minerva said...

Now now, if I didn't send the urls, you probably never woulda passed it :P

Ang said...

yes, it is all thnks to you that this ever started. Ihope for your sake that Cat never finds out.

Minerva said...

Lol, oh dear... oh dear... actually I sent round a lotta fanficky stuff *hides*

Catie said...

aaargh! now i know who to blame!
you should have been at the easter show on wednesday to see what your handiwork has done. this is so much worse than addictive german games...