Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I missed Butterfingers last week, but still, sometimes ' I <3 Work' -Wierd, eh?

My Dad tells me that I'm letting the side down, having not posted since that thing a week or so, which wasn't, to be honest, all that interesting. (As an aside, if you're after "all that interesting" what on earth are you doing here? Try www.satirewire.com perhaps).

This evening, work was fun. (!) Dad was running pretty late, and had to go out for an operation. So one of our charming patients went out to get some petrol and came back with Smarties for me. Yay! so we were all sitting in the waiting room drinking coffee and herbal tea and discussing how dodgy Love Song Dedications is, and listening to Whitlams CDs. And then we had to reschedule a couple of people to tomorrow because of him having to go to the hospital to do an operation of unknown duration, and one of the patients on the phone told me that I was "an absolute gem, and Dr. P. should definitely know the value of his staff" Which is, as you will gather from the inverted commas, a direct quote. And then we discussed toffee apples for a while.

In other news, it turns out that I've been misfiling the accounting for the last year and half, but I've realised now, and that's the important thing, and spent and instructive hour fixing that little problem. Am unutterably lucky that it was me who realised this, and not one of the other secretaries.

Note to self: investigative accountancy is not your forte. Keep your day job.

(And now to take a moment to say "unutterably" a few more times... unutterably unutterably unutterably unutterably unutterably unutterably . Jeah.)

Also, I did a tut presentation today for abnormal psychology, and yay for Powerpoint for diminishing the workload and increasing the apparent professionalism of such things tenfold. But un-yay for the tutor asking me a bunch of confusing questions afterwards.

Also non-yay for the slight brokenness of my earrings, but equally, yay for my having found the earrings at all, having completely forgotten their existance. Perhaps I need one of those earring board thingies. A greeeaaaat big one, to fit all my ultra-dangly ones.

Also, was in the QVB the other day, and saw a necklace which may or may not be as cool as I now remember it being. Will therefore go and visit it in a few days, before getting seriously stuck into my Ancient history paper (gaaah for 2500 words on subjects I have no knowlege of), the sources for which I efficiently copied and borrowed last week, but the books for which are due back on Friday.

Interesting thought: how would it be if, instead of writing a prizewinnning novel from scratch, I just publish my blog in volume form, under the title 'Serengetti Yaks' or similar?

Did you know that The Whitlams are bringing out a mini-album in October? And a normal one in April? Yay!

And finally: Birthday countdown: B - 10 days
Party is at P- slightly more than a fortnight. The 3rd, people, be there.


Catie said...

yay for toffee apples and whitlams cds!
although misfiling accounting sounds worrying... hmmm...

Ang said...

The necklace that I was visiting did not exist. Not 'had been sold' but had never existed at all. I'd conglomerated2 necklaces in my mind into one super-awesome necklace, but actually it was largely in my head.