Sunday, August 28, 2005

A post. A title. A girl with no appellatory imagination. This is their story. Or not.

I have no real justification for this post, but that I hope that it will turn out to be of rather higher quality than they have been, of late. [For really decent stuff, try the archives for April-ish, before the exams trampled all over my ramblings] The reason for this is appallingly tragic: I was going to give the address to some people, and it occurred to me that the August offerings will impress no-one.

Perhaps it is tragic that I would seek to impress my friends and aquaintance with this blather, but admitting that you have a problem is the first (and in my case only) step on the road to recovery. I'm taking the scenic route on this long trip, and plan to stop to change drivers and have lunch at Relapse, and possibly, if we're making good time, to take a pleasant little detour via Blatant Egoism mid-afternoon. I hear there's a delightful little cafe there that does a rather good macaroon. And good macaroons are so hard to find these days. Although not as difficult as a good creme brulee. Why, why I ask you, would anyone want to mess with that winning recipe? "White chocolate creme brulee"? What are they thinking? That makes it much too heavy.

In other news, I seem to have deleted the email addresses of my Latin class, and therfore can't invite them to my birthday party, unless I ask them all for their addresses. This is distressing, inasmuch as instead of sendiong a cool email casually and impersonally asking them if they'd like to drop by, I have to make something of a commotion of it. Worse, I can't just not invite them, because I mentioned it already, and said that I would send invites out.

Of course, this may itself have been an error, I'm really quite appallingly bad at juggling many social groups at once. I have enough trouble with school friends and uni friends in the same house, since y'all gravitate to different rooms.
With a slightly uncomfortable Latin class whom I don't really know that well (but would like to, they seem cool) thrown in, I feel a social disaster coming on. I guess it can't be worse than that time my cousin came to Hellena's party and then dated Mill for a month, could it? Not that that was bad per se, you understand, only deeply wierd. Can barely understand how people can bring boyfriends and similar to family reunions. Never seemed strange to me until I imagined myself in the introductory role. Would change entire interraction in strange and foreign way.

Perhaps next year, I ought to just turn 22, and skip the whole '21st party' issue? If I do that, though, I'm bound to regret it at 29. A terrible thing to be 30 while you were still in your 20s, I suspect.

Anyway, whilst I'd love to bore and confuse you further, I can see you checking your watch, (and you thought you were being so subtle, good grief, it's a little tactless, you know) and it's nearly midnight, which is usually not an issue, but I have to get up before 7, and I didn't get to bed last night until 3 ish. Plus I just had to do my nasty Ciceronian Latin translation, so perhaps we'd best call it a night. Sleep well, I'll see you soon, probably Saturday, I suppose.


Ang said...

Because then there's that bothering thing again. Looks like effort. Also I genuinely can't be bothered.

Catie said...

have you tried passionfruit tic tacs? kind of weird...
i have raspberry beret stuck in my head. i have chocolate flan sitting in front of me. tempting... no angi, i didn't eat your flan, trust me...

Catie said...

yes, weird is the word to describe them.
must be one of those things, like vegemite, you just can't stop eating it but the taste is unconventional.
raspberry is nice, but strawberry jam is better.

Ang said...

raapberries are the best of all berries, anywhere. Yay for those raspberries.

Alicia said...

Mmmm... Food...

Catie said...

blackberries are the best! sorry, no competition. well, o.k., most berries are nice, but blackberries just rule, o.k.?

Vivian said...

No, strawberries are the best!!!

Man, I haven't checked people's blogs for too long, all these comments.

Sorry, Angi, I won't be coming on Saturday either, I have to be at church ridiculously early on Sunday morning because it's Father's Day and the kids are singing for the parents and i'm on piano....yes, probably sounds like a pathetic excuse, but an excuse it is.

You can think of it as me coming as 'There She Goes' :)

Vivian said...

Did I mention that strawberries rock?

Ang said...

because they're raspy?

So, is anyone coming at all? Waaah!

Catie said...

well, i'm not, it's too hard to get to :p

Ang said...

Well, it's understandable, in your case. The traffic down the corridor can be hellish on party nights.

Ang said...

or lingonberries, even? No.

Dan said...

Party fun the be were!

Catie said...

yay parties! and red berets, and chipmunks. all good things. happy tuesday!