Friday, November 04, 2005

And so... In a move blatantly plagiarised from SpunInJam...

I now give you... Inadvertent Trivia! Each post comes witha trivia question of some kind, first correct answer gets, say.... 1 star. First to 15 stars gets some kind of present, depending on who they are/ how I feel at the time (so, "if you're allergic to apples, not a toffee apple", not "so if I don't like you, you get a small rock"). Any reader of my blog is eligible. But any answer is understood to be sworn on the poster's honour to have been unaided by search engines of any kind. So, if it's a movie quote, or "3 Al Pacino movies" or something, then IMDB counts as cheating. We have no way of catching you if you cheat, but if we do, we confiscate one of your limbs for each occassion.

First question, then is this:
In which movie is the question "For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline!" Replied to with "You know what, pal, you could have told me that before I set it up."?

Yay for commentwh0ring!


Minerva said...



Dan said...

There I was...

Ready to post it, assured that I'd gain Angi's respect and adoration, my fingers ever-quickening across my keyboard, hastily typing out the "Emperor's New Groove."

Then I saw it. Your dad beat me to it. Killed my euphoric buzz, I'll tell you that much.

I like this idea, keep it up. I have one of my own.

In which movie is the line "Would you stop touching my Rookie O'Grady?" Occur.

Extra points for naming the group that made the movie. COMMENCE!

*May have slightly hijacked your blog post, that's what you get for not allowing me to answer first :P*

Ang said...

It's always terrible to be beaten to the punch like that. Many's the time it's happened to me. Is it a RatPack movie? I guess not, but I'm listening to Frank Sinatra, and they're the only group I can think of.

Yay for you, Dad, First Star! And what d'you mean "is spelling suddenly no longer matters"? *blinks confusedly*