Sunday, June 17, 2012

Maybe guns do kill people, but so does almost everything else

I'll be honest, I wrote that whole post yesterday about ethics and birth and what have you, and having just finally managed to upload it now, it does seem a bit pointless to write a whole new post for today, but I promised I'd write something every day this month, no matter how small, so here it is.

Actually, I was thinking earlier today about maybe writing something about the fact that people of both sexes feel done down because of their gender, and there's no denying that everyone's a bit right. Chicks get stiffed with regard to wages and respect and all that sort of stuff, but dudes lack a whole lot of our personal freedoms, which must suck. A girl can like girly things (sewing, baking, pretty things!) and you're not allowed to object, or she can say "I'm a tomboy" and like exclusively things which are seem as blokey (chainsaws, football, beer!) and barely raise an eyebrow, or any combination of the 2, but a guy can like dude stuff and people will call him a bogan dumbarse (fast cars, guns and sports are for yobs) or like girly stuff and have everyone laugh at him and assume he's gay (ever seen a dude just wearing something lovely and interesting and different because he wants to feel pretty, without having to go the whole drag queen hog?). That definitely sucks. I'm not saying it sucks more than womanhood does, but I reckon that it sucks a lot of the time no matter what you've got in your pants, and I really think that's a bit rubbish.

Speaking of which, for the record, I think that whole scandal because some of the Olympic swimming team posed perfectly legally and mildly amusingly with some guns was ridiculous and outrageous. I mean, seriously, what the hell? Shooting is an Olympic sport to suggest that it's simultaneously a font of criminal depravity it clearly hypocritical and stupid.

Seriously, what? I'm not saying guns can't be dagerous or misused, but cars kill more people in an average long weekend than have been killed by guns in the last 5 years, in Australia. Scandal! Ian Thorpe photographed in Holden Dealership! Thank heavens he's not representing our country! Heaven forbid any levity whatsoever should in any way creep into our national consciousness! No-one had better dare make any Zombie-Apocalpse preparedness jokes or pose like Charlie's Angels, those activities are also silly and involved guns at some level, and we can't have that!


cardboardsword said...

Yeah, I agree about the personal freedoms thing to some extent. I was trying on rings today, perfectly normal activity for a bloke about to get married but really weird because surely they're too shiny to be blokey. Afterwards, we walked past Dymocks and I thought "ah, bookwormism, a comfortable and normal state of being." Mixed up much?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, other athletes are crapping in the street and everybody's OK with it.

Unknown said...

David Beckham, beauty activist.