Monday, April 11, 2005

Cool feather hat thingy

It occurs to me that I completely failed to mention, in my last, rather verbose post, that I went to Glebe markets on Saturday. Not that this is, in and of itself, a vitally noteworthy thing, but this time, my friends, I bought a Really Cool Feather Hat Thing. If I can get image hosting to work, I shall post a picture of it. It’s very cool. And as soon as I can think of an excuse to do so, I have every intention of wearing it. Possibly to uni? But then, I feel that it could conceivably be viewed as a mildly eccentric sort of thing to wear. Or very eccentric. Also, if it rains, it might get rather damp. And limp. How terrible! Also, I saw Meg Cooke (a girl from my school year) today (at a distance). I didn’t know that I remembered her, actually, I was rather surprised to remember her full name.

Interesting social question; how do you ask the name of someone who you sit next to in many lectures, and were originally introduced to over a year ago? Especially if you’re then dim enough to mention your blog to them, so that then they might read this post and you have to word it all so vaguely. (no, its not you, obviously. I know your name, it’s that person over there that I don’t know the name of. You know, wossname. You, I reiterate, I recall. Lets do something on Friday, eh?)

Damn, its raining really really heavily and I don’t want to have to go outside to get to my History lecture. I’m always reluctant to go to those, but they always end up being good, so I suppose I must Brave The Elements. Blast.

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