Thursday, April 14, 2005

Style largely depends on the way the chin is worn. They are worn very high, just at present.

Yay for the Importance of Being Earnest!

Have now worn the feather thing to uni, and thus proven to my own satisfaction that I was able to do so.So now I don't have to do that again. And now I'm kind of torn between "Let us never speak of this again" and only ever wearing completely nondescript clothing ever again and wearing a cape next Monday. Jeah. Cape. This, of course, relies on me procuring materials for and making a cape before next monday. Or whenever. So who knows?

Also, Tim seems to want one. These are the single easiest garments in the world to make, so I wouldn't mind, particularly, but I feel that his idea of a cape is probably idealised. Also, what's the point of going around being so pointedly different if you then give other people capes? On the other hand, then it wouldn't just be me, and I could wear my convenient garment casually without feeling selfconscious.


Actually, I was fine, except for a guy in my latin class, who I think was trying to be friendly, said, when we were discussing my reasons for wearing the hat thingy , "yeah, I noticed you before we got inside and I was like 'freak', and then I realised it was you, and I was like... 'freak'."

Yeah. Nice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for friendly banter, but up til that point, it had absolutely not occurred to me that people might think 'freak' at all. Bizarre? Perhaps. But when I see people wearing something really different, I don't think 'freak' so much as 'cool, how staggeringly confident of you to be able to carry that,' and so on. Is this just me? Have always firmly believed that you could 'carry' anything if you wore it with enough confidence, or at least enough appearance of confidence. As my year nine 'year director' used to say, (quite oddly, I rather thought) "Fake It 'til you Make It". Odd advice though this was for Mrs Miller to be giving us, with such things as confidence and sleep it usually works. Not flying, and immunity to piranhas and other such extremely difficult tasks, but most things.

With brazen confidence and the arrogant assumption that you can get away with anything, you can get away with anything. Just about.

So, anyway, since I am informed by my over-shoulder-literary-critic (who now even says that mentioning her is bad style) that I am harping rather, I shall now move on. As she accurately says now, she didn't phrase it that well.

Ugh, the radio is on, and I really hate that ad. The one that is pretty much "Premature ejaculation! Problems with getting an erection! blah blah blah... Premature ejaculation!" [repeat ad nauseam] This irritates me. First of all, as a female, I can't help but feel left out [not that I particularly mind, mind you]. And secondly, the guy who reads it sounds so unbearaby smug and condescending, with apparent subtext of "Heh, I understand that you might have this problem. I hear it's terrible. Ha, sucks to be you. Let's dwell on your pain by repeating embarrassing phrases in a louder voice than the rest of it, so that even if it's a problem for you, you can't listen to the ad and respond if anyone is listening to the ad with you, because then it will be obvious to the whole world, and you will be humiliated. Fear my virility."

Am so glad am female. Feel that if I were a guy, people would read too much into my rant.

It's funny, the things that guys chat about, and girls don't. When you get many guys in a group with few girls, the conversation can tun to urinal etiquette. But it never does with girls. Or, you know, equivalent subjects. the absolute closest girls ever get is "hey, do you have a nurofen?" with the standard reply being either "yes, here" or "no, sorry".

Or, for instance, I was idly flicking through the blog archives of a friend of mine, who said things about shower gel which might perhaps have permanently damaged me psychologically. [also, it was in conjunction with an etymological question which I already knew the answer to, so I felt very well educated, so I guess that was a plus]

Is it just me to whom it absolutely never occurrs to think of friends in the shower,especially with shower gel in any way shape of form, whatsoever? Because guys seem to chat idly about such things. Wierd.


Arrgh....*finishes postin inarticulateness*


Sean's Beard said...

Hello Ang,

If it makes you feel any better, that comment was included for low, cheap, nasty, male humour purposes (which fit in with the idle drivel about which I was spouting at the time) so I don't actually do that with the shower gel...

But if it has permanently damaged you psychologically then I guess it worked a treat :P MWAHAHAHA! Here's to the corruption of all female minds everywhere!

God I'm bored... I suddenly know how you feel working in an office. Because I'm currently working in an office.

Ang said...

heh. yes, i know. but still...

also, heh again, you're in an office. why?