Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A title should also be incisive, but this isn't.

Is it tragic that I have a word document on my laptop called “Blog post.doc” in which I can type posts and then cut and paste them at blogger.com? In fairness, I originally et it up so that I could save posts before publishing them, which (a) spellchecked them, and (b) meant that they didn’t get deleted when the site crashed, as it seems to do occasionally.

So, currently in Latin, listening to Catullus, and realising that it has started to rain again, but that my umbrella is in my car. Far, far away. This is not usually a disaster, all you have to do is enjoy the rain. Except that obviously I have my laptop, which doesn’t enjoy a swim as much as I. Will wrap laptop in an Honi Soit in bag. Also will close bag. Will then dance in cheerful dampness to Broadway. What an excellent plan. Jeah.

On the subject of “jeah”. This is German, and therefore pronounced “yeah”. However, “jeah” has an overtone of “sweet” in the “dude, where’s my car?” sense. Thus, the question “are you coming to latin now?” is answered “yeah” (or “yes”, or “noooo! *stabs self with plastic Manning cutlery*). Conversely, “hey, you’ve won a million dollars! Also a beach house and hot telepathic guy!” would be answered “jeah” or even “Jeah” or “you lying bastard, don’t toy with me like that! As if it’s not bad enough that I have to go to Latin now!*kicks*”.

Damn, now I’ve missed some translation.

Now at work (behold the magic of text: for you, no time has passed, for me: hours). Decided somewhere en route that one of these days we should forcibly mascara (Enmascara? Mascar? What’s the verb here?) the guys at Manning. Just in the spirit of enquiry, you understand. What would Chris look like when he does that eyelash flutter thing he does with mascara on? How long could Tim’s eyelashes conceivably become? Would he be able to stand up under their weight? How about Sam? With his colour eyes, it could look pretty cool.

It must surely be unusual to ponder such matters as one drives through the 80km zone around Wallgrove Rd. Oh the uniqueness of me.

Possibly, however, this would be detrimental to our dear boys. Kathryn’s brother yesterday introduced him to someone, having just met him, as “the fairy”. Is this overly familiar playful banter or misplaced and appalling homophobic-type slur deserving of a good kicking? Is it, in fact, deserving of a good kicking either way? Terribly bad manners. Surely when 3 girls at once flirt absolutely outrageously with the one guy at a dance class, the conclusion to leap to is that he’s a total stud? To impune his masculinity infers surely that Jeremy is severely lacking in either self confidence, manners or studliness. (For demonstration of Sam’s security in his own masculinity, I refer you to the photos taken at the Easter show. It takes a very secure man to wear Princess face paint. Cannot help but respect that, really.)

In fact, could only ever respect that in any guy. Gay or straight, it takes an incredible amount of confidence to wear that face paint. I applaud you Sam, and anyone else who has ever done so.

Returning to Kathryn’s scurrilous brother, or rather the group he represents, (or who I’ve decided for him to represent here, since I’m feeling grumpy with his liberty-taking), one has to wonder, is there anything less attractive in a man than homophobia? Sexism perhaps? But at least that’s universally spurned, whereas there are people who agree with your average homophobic bastard.
Wouldn’t it be nice if they all, all over the world, fell down right now? And got slightly hurt? Slightly to grievously on a sliding scale. Jeah.

I want it to stop raining. Because on Thursday I want to wear my hat thingy, and I don’t want it to get wet. That would be terrible.

On with the stupid filing, though. *sigh*

1 comment:

Sean's Beard said...

Hello again Ang,

Thank you for the very kind, in-my-defence words, I do enjoy it when my friends defend me, it means I don't have to expend much mental effort coming up with witty and insightful things to say.

Incidentally, I have once experimented with mascara before and in fact there's video footage of it when I was supposed to look like Alexander de Large from A Clockwork Orange... Although when I actually saw the film again a while later I realised that only one of his eyes has such an effect so I walked around looking like a panda all day for no reason, secondly the outfit I wore bore absolutely no resemblance to the one Malcolm McDowell wears, thirdly I couldn't do the voice for peanuts (or shit, although I'd usually prefer to do it for peanuts), and fourthly the script itself was not only terrible, woeful and made no sense but actually had no correlation to A Clockwork Orange at all so I don't even know why I bothered...

But yes, just so you know...