Thursday, April 21, 2005

Interesting fact: Trains = Boring

So outrageously broke this week. After I pay my rent, the leftover funds I'll have to cover bills, food, bus tickets, frivolities, etc, comes to a grand total of... Five Dollars. That, my friend, is student living. Oh, and petrol too, of course, since today is my mother's birthday, and instead of going to the city as originally planned, a one dollar bus trip away, they've decided that Leura is a much better place. Leura. I ask you. That's an hour and half by train from Penrith. So petrol might come up this week too, in all probability. Possibly I'll only drive to places that are downhill of where my car is. Brilliant. Unless, of course, you happen to live in Lamb St, Lilyfield, like I do.

Oh crap! I'm here! *exits train at speed*

Adios, dear readers, I shall post again anon.


Catie said...

hey... don't say things like that about trains...

Minerva said...

trains are crap. cityrail is possibly the worst. could go on but my post may end up longer than angi's.

oh yea, i d/loaded morcheeba. and i'm on hols this week, so when do you want my laptop?

Ang said...

hmmm... you could visit us on Sunday if you like. call me if so.

Catie said...

ha, presentations... *mumble mumble*
come and visit, pun! *stupid pun on holidays when i have uni mumble mumble*
i mean, enjoy the holidays pun :D and joy to all...