Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Slightly less sagaic, honest

This is getting unhealthy, was driving along the M4 and kept wanting to pull over to write stuff on here. Tragic. Must get a life, and I would, only I understand that they're terribly complicated. And I kind of like this. And my life, really.

Today's Drive-in movie was "Bride and Prejudice". This is something of a game with me: try to identify the movie showing at the drive-in from the half-second (literally) and no sound. So am always proud when I get it. Also, am always vaguely surprised that there is a movie showing at the drive in on a Tuesday, when I'm coming back from Penrith and work and parents.

Speaking of parents, have ill-advisedly given address of this blog to my Dad. (now regret comments re. non-studiousness at uni and non-filingness at work) As such, discretion in 'comments' are called for, don't mention anything I've been lying to them about. ;)

This is the thing about a blog. Almost certainly no-one reads this, but feel like Bridget Jones, except for the lack of Darcy and Englishness and thirtysomething angst and well, most of it. But feel am writing to an imaginary audience. This leaves me feeling less like a tool when I post.

So, today I was reading a fanfic called "Underwater light" by Maya (on schnoogle). I'm only up to chapter 6, but so far, I wholeheartedly recommend it. Nicely done Julz for recommending it.

Conversely, she also thought that I'd enjoy Zed Adams. And, well.... nup. Not really. Graphic ickiness without the plot to carry it . Triteness posing as wit. Cigarettes and Alcohol. Not really a fan I'm afraid, although I totally appreciate the thought. It just... missed the mark a little, I thought.

Possibly I shouldn't object to the cigarettes and drugs thing, but here I must side with the great Ralph Waldo Emerson, who famously said to Lord Byron (who needed telling), "Drugs are bad. Mmmkay?"

Great Man, really. Wonderful flair for language.

Did they even live in the same time period, do you think? I only ask because (a) I don't know, and (b) some of you might be joke-missing fools.

Except of course for reasonable amounts of alcohol. And caffeine, although as far as I'm concerneds, caffeine is less a drug than a food group.

Catie says I'm "using too many words" in my posts. To which I respond, that if I had image hosting still, they might be thousands of words shorter. But I can't remeber what the site that hosted my pics was. She also is criticizing generally, to which I, equally wittily reply, "do you want a chance to check your damn email or not? Bugger off." >:(

Heh. Feel the power of being the one with a computer. Jeah.

Jasmin gave me a poster today! Yay! Am terribly excited, lopve presents, and posters, and all connected things. Now having the usual debate with myself as to where I'll put it.

I'll leave it that for this evening, having been thoughroughly derailled by my flatmate, to whom I will now lyingly say that the internet is down, and she can't check her email. hehehe... Also, have run out of things to say, and don't want to scare people off permanently with post length. So goodnight all, and don't bite the bedbugs.


Minerva said...

you were lying to cat and saying she couldn't check her email. tsk tsk

I have a name! It's true, I have a first name. Well I never knew. ;)

Catie said...

ha! and, well, huh!
(i must get more internet hours...)

Vivian said...

yes, that's the problem with blogs...they're pretty addictive when you first start them. It'll become less of a novelty after a while :)