Sunday, May 01, 2005

Happy May, people.

Yesterday I was in a shop in Glebe called "In Denial" a pretty cool shop, very different. Anyway, they had this cool CD on, which went really well with the atmosphere in the shop somehow, like auditory incense. So, on a bizarre impulse, I went out and bought it, despite the fact that the artist's name was "Unkle Ho". At least one track on it has both spanish guitar and that really sleazy trumpet sound in it, last done to perfection by Cat Empire, specifically towards the climax of "All that Talking". I love that sort of trumpet. I don't know why. "Sleazy" is very rarely a good word, either, maybe "debauched"? Trumpet of debauchery? Sounds bizarre still. More bizarre even. Best move on, I think.

Its always good to go to Glebe markets and Glebe Point Road on a Saturday. The people watching is so quality. Everyone is interesting, and the things there are interesting. Even the Greenpeace guy who tried to convince me that Global Dimming counteracted Global Warming, so that they effectively cancelled each other out and still they would both independently destroy the world if we didn't do anythin about it (logical flaw? It seems so to me. If I have any Greenpeace readers I don't know about: comment) seemed cool and interesting. The area reminded me of the movie Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind (excellent movie: see it), sort of kooky and interesting, and different and fascinating. I love it, I could spend hours there every Saturday, in company or alone. It never seems to get old.

Also I bought some rather nice earrings. Silver, sort of angular celtic-knot-y. $10, which is great, especially since I was lusting after them a week or so ago, but they were $20-ish. Jeah.

Thinking of cool and interesting people, I am slightly worried by my reaction to seeing famous people up sort of close and in the flesh. Disturbed by my apparent groupie-ish-ness. Which is not to say that I'd sleep with someone just because they were famous, but still. Not, in all honesty, sure what I eould do if propositioned by Orlando Bloom or similar. Possibly faint. Or laugh and refuse to believe that it wasn't a joke, and possibly someone else, cleverly disguised.

Moving on, I have a plan: there should be a quest to Jenolan Caves. Road trip! What fun. Will definitely attempt to organise this.

Also, read an article in Icon (embarrassingly enough that I opened Icon in the first place?) about net celebrities and people with famous blogs. Feel that this would be even easier than being a famous bass player. I have a blog. How do I go about making it hugely popular?

And now I really will get on with my essay, just you watch.


Catie said...

hey, your Emphatic Capitalisation is now working!
oh, and do your essay. but i commented, although somehow my computer won't let me comment on spampage. i would rant about my computer now, but am afraid it would get angry and shut down on me or freeze or something.

Anonymous said...

I deny and refute the notion that "sleazy" is a bad word. I don't know if there is a term like onomatapoea for a word having the feeling of its meaning. Sleazy bar... sleazy politician... they feel like they are. Go sleazy a term for our times

Ang said...

yes indeed... go you, Dad