Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Well, moving on, then.

Am growing my nails. Haven't bitten them in over a fortnight. Am, barring social disasters, a complete saint. Can scratch people with them and everything. Oh boy. Could I make the retractable and metal in manner of Lady Deathstrike or whatever her name was in X-men 2? Because that sounds pretty cool to me, just quietly.

V. stressful moment yesterday, as went to tea with Tim in the QVB, and left my wallet there. Only realised about 45 minutes later when I was about to get on a bus. Couldn't think where it could be, thought had lost money, phone bill, my ring with the teeny weeny diamod in it, and every vital card and piece of I.D. I own. Was highly stressed, and late for history lecture. Also the Tea Room people looked at me as if I was silly. (Strange, that)

Speaking of me looking silly (it seems to have been a week for that, doesn't it? It should be Sloth Week, but I'm too busy looking silly/procrastinating for my Latin essay to sleep), looked silly in Manning today when, as part of Operation: Completely Obvious (Tim's idea: I really should have known) told Bec and Sam to go out. Worst bit was, Tim, recreant that he is, left for a tutorial, and left me to face the music. Grrr..

Surprisingly enough, plan didn't work. Not sure, in retrospect, what I thought would happen. Meh. *puts bag over head for next 2 days*

Hay, maybe I should undertake some kind of vow of silence for the next few days. With my mouth closed, I should find it harder to put my foot into it.

Could be interesting, actually. Have often been tempted to try it. Remember Alex Hodgekiss did that for a day in year 4, and was highly impressed. Possibly was v. easily impressed?

Problem is that it would preclude those little pleasantries like thanking bus driver, and apologising when step on feet of people I don't know and so on. Certainly could not do it at work. Large part of job is answering phones. In fact, apart from the filing bits, my job consists largely of exchanging pleasantries with people.

Maybe this is a bad plan? Say it ain't so.

As soon as I get organized, by the way, I'll post pictures of Jasmine discovering the Legolas cutout on her bed. Any more requests for photos? You might be in luck. (Posted now)

Also: Yay! I bought a rather nice art print today. How exciting.

In other news, I should probably mention that am going out with Tim, having completely failed to notfiy all IB fans in any official way thus far. Sorry people. Go my efficiency.

Of course, he's not telepathic, so possibly shouldn't go out with him? Hmmm...

Am at work, and my little sister Alex (who turns 12 on June 23) is mysteriously here also. Probably because my mother is taking my grandmother to a doctor in the building, and I'm convenient childcare? Anyway, have been making her learn/recite Shakesperean quotes in return for biscuits. So, if she wants a biscuit, she has to recite a passage. So far she's got

"To Be or not to be, that is the question; whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them"


"Who steals my purse steals trash, 'tis something, nothing, 'twas mine, 'tis his and has been slave to thousands, but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and leaves me poor indeed."

Also a Milk Arrowroot and a Chocolate biscuit.

Really, it's win-win for her. Wish I had a big sister as cool as me [for a given value of "cool", obviously].

Thought: if the Whitlams are releasing a new album sometime this year, does that mean there'll be a tour? And concerts? If so, let's totally go! Pro Caelio. As usual, once it's done, anyone who wants can have a copy. I can't imagine why so few people ever take me up on these offers. And my essays are always so fascinating, too. Really, who wouldn't want to know about the role and significance of women in the Russian revolution or Cicero's defence of his client M. Caelius Rufus?

P.S. Good grief, it's been such a frustrating day.

Woke up with Smiths-guilt, and realised that it was already out there, and there was little I could do. Also, my mouth hurt, because I burnt it really nastily last night on over-heated tea. Stupid tea.

Then was late to Manning due to long line to pay bill at Post Office.

Then was a complete idiot and probably upset two friends due to being deeply stupid, an very possibly clinically socially disabled today. Plus, of course, completely failed to drop the subject when it became clear was in a hole. Oh yes. Kept digging.

Then said "how exciting" in an effort to be upbeat when my grandmother said that she had to have spinal surgery next week. Yeah. She's in her 90s. Completely life-threatening. "Exciting". Nice one.

Then got home and dropped the dinner which I'd just made on the floor.

Slammed bedroom door repeatedly in lieu of breaking something / jumping off something tall. Feeling highly percussive.
[Cat looks rather intimidated, really, sort of skulking around in a placatory way].
Feel that will only take something of the frustration level of typing half a sentence in Caps Lock by accident before go completely nuts.

Oh wait, I forgot something, I also realised that I hadn't linked Vivian's blog from here, despite linking even little sister's boyfriend's blog. Was not a deliberate snub. Thought had linked it. Sorry Viv. Have linked you now.

See? Have alienated/irritated at least one friend in every group I can think of, including myself. Probably, of course, most of them are rather less distressed by this whole thing than I am. Suspect, for instance, that Vivian wasn't losing much sleep over non-linkage. But who needs that added stress? None of the people I know, right now. Everyone's got that end-of semester depression.

*breathes deeply*

Oh, speaking of end of semester, I have an exam on the 22nd at 12 noon, and then an exam on the 22nd at 3pm. Yay. Either this is a clash, which is a minor disaster, or else they don't quite clash, in which case instead of unwinding/massaging life back into my hand/last-minute studying, what I'll be doing is running across campus in order to get there on time. (Actually, in fairness, think the first one has a take-home option, but still, it would have been nice to have the option, yes?)

*listens to calming music*

Plus, of course, I haven't done any of my essay. Or even much of the reading.

If I was the type to be self-loathing, suspect would be right now. Fortunately, have self-esteem of over-inflated steel. Yay.


OK, have finished being self-indulgent now. Will move on. Again. Just as soon as "Don't Believe Anymore" ends, because that's just the most gorgeously angsty song ever. Yay.

... OK. Now. Officially move on, as of right now.

So, who likes daisies? I like daisies. Yay for daisies. *token capers*


Ang said...

Sorry, can't go to James' (coughdullsoundingcough)speec thingy. Have the essay to do. But would otherwise be tempted, honest.

And no, they're not. That's the whole point, you see.
Also, aargh, want to edit/tone down my post, and can't. Grrr...

Catie said...

wow, what a comment. maybe you should get a blog Kathryn. Or stop drinking so much coffee?
Over-inflated steel?
Hey, I do not skulk, although 'cower' may be an accurate description... :P
Essay almost finished

Minerva said...

achem, just like to say, yays for Wong discovering Legolas photos but if you want to post the photos I took at Terrigal up on the net, please tell me Angi. :|

Ang said...

Oh, sorry, didn't think...A Retrospective please, if not I can take them down.

Catie said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ang said...

Dammitall! That was me, Cat siged on my laptop and I didn't check it.

So it was I who toe-dirt-scuffed. Me. Ang.