Saturday, May 28, 2005

A Saturday in retrospect

So, we've hired Monty Python and the Holy Grail on DVD, which has such extras as a Lego version of the Camelot song, subtitles for people who didn't like the film (taken from Shakespeare's Henry IV) and 'How to use your coconuts!'-an educational film, not to mention, of curse, the actual movie.

The only drawback in what would otherwise be a fairly ideal situation is that Blasted Felix has somehow mysteriously and effectively killed my DVD player. Blast him. Grrr....

This is particularly frustrating as pretty much all of the videos we own/have hired are on DVD. Also, my DVD player is cheap enough that it makes it seem stupid to get someone in to fix it but too expensive to lightly replace.

Anyway, went to Glebe Markets today (was going to say this morning, but realise that in fact that I woke up at noon, and therefore whilst it was morning on my personal timescale, it was, in fact, afternoon) which I always love. Yay!

Went with the actual aim of paying the phone bill, but the post office had closed half an hour earlier, and Telstra's bill-paying thing was down today. It being clearly just not meant to be, I therefore spent my phone bill money on two cool tops and the complete works of William Shakespeare. (Well, I'm exaggerating: I spent much more than just the phone bill money, which was only $30. Heh... Am such a paragon of fiscal impracticality.)

Rather pleased, actually, can't help but feel that fifteen dollars is a pretty good price for all the culture that can be extracted from the complete Shakey. Leather-bound, too. How classy.

Dammit, am now feeling stressed, as Cat is going out with some friends from school (Kathryn, who was going to go, then decided not to, but now is after all, and Hellena, who as far as I know was going all along) this evening, and I decided not to go in order to get work done. However, what with having slept all morning, marketed, spent unwisely and people-watched all afternoon, and now tried to fix the DVD all evening, I haven't got any work done. The logical conclusion here is that I absolutely must work tonight, but it feels very tempting to just say "stuff it".

As such, am torn. Sort of want to go out, and found it v. difficult to repel Kathryn and a Janus-like Catie, who tried to convince me to go out, as unable to satisfactorily justify to self any course of action.

Feel tragic and misanthropic for staying home alone, have urge to run after the car shouting "Wait! Take me with you! Nooo!" and similar. But really not in the mood to go out to a club, especially with those three, who are charming and wonderful, and some of the very best people anyone could hope to know, but incredibly stressful to go to nightclubs with. Usually one of the most enjoyable parts of such an evening is putting on makeup, and wouldn't have time to put any on. (And would not go out to club without makeup, as really, what would point be? Also would look stupid, in jeans and some random top and my secretly-school-shoes without makeup or big earrings at a nightclub. Would be nothing to distract from casualness of clothes! Imagine if got turned away from nightclub for being under/badly dressed! Would have to kill everyone there to prevent it getting out, and then rush home in order to complain about it on my blog.)

But equally, not in the mood to go out anyway. Is too damn cold.

Also, Kathryn's brother is going out too, and he is something of a twerp as I recall (remember, he was the guy who called Sam "fairy boy" just after meeting him). Similarly, Kathryn just referred to Tim as Fisherman Hat Tim, which seems more or less as dismissive as Fairy Boy in its own little way. [No offence, Kathryn, you'll forgive me, its been a long day. Still, defy you to justify Jeremy's Sam-fairy-boy-calling as anything but twerpishness. Perhaps it was an off day and he's usually charming? Will give him benefit of dubious doubt, suppose.]

Wish Rage would come on already, as you can watch Rage while pretending to yourself that you're doing just about anything, including, but not limited to, reading for your latin essay; writing your latin essay; learning to speak Spanish; solving the question of what is the most fair and equitable form of government; discussing whether a really aristocratic sneer is attractive in real guys or only in fictional ones; or making a definitive list of the three most enjoyable Robin Hood movies of all time.

Conversely, Forces of Nature (with Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock, just so you know which of the five-odd movies of that name I mean) is just unmitigated shit. It doesn't even have the occasional Michael Jackson clip to relieve the tedium like rage does. The movie is even ill-lit.

It's bizarre, I sat down to write an upbeat post about the cool day I've had, and it's ended up sounding whiny. It really was a cool day. One of the tops has cats on it, and the other has sequined butterflies and a chain and is green. Similarly, I firmly believe that Glebe Markets is a thing of beauty and a joy forever and so on. Plus, of course, it's been a damn good week, what with watching Errol Flynn movies and missing Empire Records, exhibiting the Road to El Dorado to unsuspecting bystanders and force-feeding The Mexican to those same bystanders two days previously, and all manner of great stuff.

So really, it's all good, let not my passing lapse fool you. Life is charming.


Catie said...

you missed out i tell you... not that i relish being called stressful mind you. stressful, my foot :p saturday nights call for going out places.

Catie said...

yay for clubbing! and dancing around and random drinks... yeah, i think maybe that she meant 'fun' and not 'stressful', it's an easy typo to make :)

Sean's Beard said...

"Furry Boy" OMG That's so funny! So much seething hatred from a simple mishearing? Brilliant! I'm starting to think Jesus just drank some off orange juice and one day Hitler got told "It was the Juice that killed Jesus"

Ah, so much controversy in blog land today, what a time to be alive.

Ang said...

:)morning people.

Sorry Kathryn, didn't mean to sound horrble and critical of you and your apparently charming brother. Was being unnecessarily critical and mean due to essay-guilt, and was out of line. Forgive me?

Ang said...

Ah... so much controversy and stress. Let us never speak of this again.

By the way Sam, way to overextend a dubious analogy there.